Hi Dr. Sher,

I’m writing you at a complete loss and low point in my treatment. I am 34. My husband is 41. We started to try to conceive when I was age 31 and within 3 months, I became pregnant but quickly found out it was a chemical pregnancy. I then pushed for testing and it was found I had DOR with an AMh of .06 and an FSH of 22. I tried 2 rounds of IVF with my own eggs. The first round was canceled due to no response and 2nd cycle was converted to an IUI and was unsuccessful. We are from Rhode Island, but then looked into donor eggs at Utah Fertility Center as they have a great program. Our donor produced 10 pgt tested normal eggs. I did a hysteroscopy beforehand as Dr. Foulk found that I had some adhesions in my lining. I went through one transfer in December that was a chemical. My lining also struggled to increase past 7mm. After that we did an RPL panel and found out I had high natural killer cells and MTFHR. I also did an ERA and found out I needed 8 more hours of progesterone. Dr. Foulk did another hysteroscopy and was about to put me on Lupron Depot, but then said he didn’t think it was necessary as my adenomyosis was mild. This transfer I’m March we did a round of intralipids, used the ERA timing, added a Neupogen wash and my lining got up to 7.5. This round has failed. I feel so confused and out of options. I’m looking to transfer my embryos back to a New England based clinic as the travel is too much emotionally and financially. Just feeling super lost and wondering if we should move on to adoption. I would not consider surrogacy as it’s not something I feel comfortable doing. Thanks,