Dr. Geoffrey Sher

Advantages of Combining Preimplantation Genetic Sampling (PGS) with Tests for Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID)

Whenever IVF fails to resolve reproductive failure, the explanation is
almost invariably either:  a) embryo “incompetence” (usually
…although not always due to the embryo being karyotypically abnormal
or aneuploid) or b) implantation dysfunction (anatomical/
immunologic). So…should the transfer of  up to two (2)

Advantages of Combining Preimplantation Genetic Sampling (PGS) with Tests for Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID) Read More »

IVF: The Economic Realities

Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards were responsible for the birth of
the world’s 1st IVF baby, Louise Brown, in 1978. Since then about 4
million babies have been born worldwide, and the number is growing
fast. The introduction of this Assisted Reproductive technology (ART)
which comprises IVF and associated procedure has literally
revolutionized the treatment of infertility and Reproductive failure

IVF: The Economic Realities Read More »

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