Hi there, I am just wondering that, if the value of beta HCG is 2029.35 mIU/mL, then what should be the interpretation, means how many weeks pregnancy is this?
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Dear Patients,
I created this forum to welcome any questions you have on the topic of infertility, IVF, conception, testing, evaluation, or any related topics. I do my best to answer all questions in less than 24 hours. I know your question is important and, in many cases, I will answer within just a few hours. Thank you for taking the time to trust me with your concern.– Geoffrey Sher, MD
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Test Interpretation
Name: Ali R
Hi there, I am just wondering that, if the value of beta HCG is 2029.35 mIU/mL, then what should be the interpretation, means how many weeks pregnancy is this?
Not possible to date..but on the face of it this seems like a healthy hCG level.
Good luck!
Geoff Sher
infertility questions
Name: Holly b
Hi Dr. Sher, First off thank you for what you do & all of the valued information you provide people. Good information is hard to find on infertility.
Here is my scenario:
I am currently 39 y/o Female and my husband is 41 y/o. We have been trying to conceive now for about 2 years with no success. My AMH is 3.71, Ultrasound looked good appears I have eggs and good uterus. Tried a HSG but radiologist could not complete it due to me having a retrograded uterus and he was not able to see anything or advance the tube to complete the procedure. I was also in a lot of pain due to poor technique by radiologist. OBGYN says my tubes look open per ultrasound and I am having normal menstrual cycles and I can feel ovulation each month. Also since last fall I was able to get my BMI down from 35 to 30 and working on getting it to 28 which I have another 15lbs to go. I eat healthy, exercise 3 times a week, take ritual prenatal vitamins and pre/probiotics. I do not smoke, drink or do drugs and limit caffeine to about 100- max 200mg a day. My husband had a sperm analysis completed showing low sperm count, low motility and some dysmorphic sperm. He also recently had an ultrasound showing a small hydrocele and some epididymal cyst largest being 5cm. (we are waiting to be seen by urology currently for him). We also put him on a fertility supplement by coast science. He is healthy but still occasionally drinks alcohol. I am also using inito OPK to monitor for my cycles. My cycles are around 28-30 days and last 4 days.
I do not think I can go through another HSG test it took me two weeks to recover from the last one.I had severe pain and cramping. Do you think it is necessary to do another one?
Do you think my AMH level is ok for my age? Is it to high? I worry about ovarian hyper stimulation if going to IVF
Any suggestions with our case or anything we could be trying?
Thank you so much for your time!
God bless,
Hi Holy,
Thank you for that detailed letter. I really would need to talk to you after receiving all relevant information. It does sound as if a male factor might be involved but I cannot vouch for this without more detail. It is possible (in spite of US which alas, cannot diagnose tubal patency) that there might be an (as yet) undetected tubal factor and finally, you might have an implantation dysfunction.
This, and a good deal more needs to be unraveled before I could venture giving a reasonable opinion.
Please contact my assistant Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 and set up an online consultation with me.
Thank you,
Geoff Sher
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\
Name: Maria E
Quiero Saber si puedo donar ovulos tengo 35 años
Please re-post in English!
Geoff Sher
Name: Sally K
Do you help with making someone pregnant with twin boys if they don’t have ovulation problems ?
Not really!
Geoff Sher
Progesterone type
Name: Sreevidhya V
Is sub cutaneous progesterone as effective as intra muscular?
Can there be a case of too much progesterone If progesterone gel, oral and sub cutaneous forms are administered together for luteal support?
Here is the Luteal Phase support I advocate.
- Luteal support: commences on day-1 , 6 days prior to the FET, with intramuscular progesterone in oil (PIO) at an initial dose of 75-100 mg (-Day 1). Daily administration- is continued until late in the evening of Day 5 ( I suggest 10.00PM-11.00PM) . Daily PIO (75mg-100mg) is continued until the 10th week of pregnancy, or until a blood pregnancy test/negative ultrasound (after the 6-7th gestational week), discounts a viable pregnancy. Also, commencing on the day following the FET, the patient inserts one (1) vaginal progesterone suppository (100 mg) in the morning + 2mg E2V vaginal suppository (in the evening) and this is continued until the 10th week of pregnancy or until pregnancy is discounted by blood testing or by an ultrasound examination after the 6-7th gestational week.
*Note: In cases where intramuscular progesterone administration is not well tolerated, we tend to use a vaginal gel known as Crinone-8%. This gel is used twice a day (morning and evening) until the day of the embryo transfer. On the morning of the embryo transfer, we pause using the gel but resume it in the evening. The day after the transfer, we continue using the gel twice a day. . If the blood pregnancy tests show a positive result and 2-3 weeks later an ultrasound examination confirms a viable pregnancy, the Crinone 8% gel is continued twice daily up to the 10th week of pregnancy
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\
Gender Selection Options
Name: Michelle B
What options are available that allow for gender selection?
Michelle B
Couples have for centuries sought to influence the gender of their offspring. More than seven centuries ago the ancient Chinese developed a birth calendar said to be able to predict gender on the basis of when conception occurred. Later, the ancient Greeks suggested that by lying on her right side during intercourse, a woman could improve the likelihood of having a male child. And 300 years ago, the French suggested that placing a ligature around the right testicle would improve the chance of having a male child.
More recently in the U.S., methods such as timing intercourse, assuming different positions during sex, and (relatively recently) employing rapid sperm centrifugation in an attempt to separate male chromosome-bearing sperm from female sperm prior to artificial insemination were proposed. The fact is that none of these (as well as many other) such anecdotal assertions have been shown to have any real validity.
Currently, in spite of several well described medical approaches, the indisputable fact has emerged that it is only by way of IVF that reliable sex selection can be achieved. This allows for embryos to be screened for gender through preimplantation genetic diagnosis prior to transferring the embryo(s) of the desired gender to the uterus.
Nevertheless, it is an inescapable reality that the very idea of medical sex selection challenges moral and ethical beliefs at their very foundation. Many hold that the growing popularity of gender selection solely for the convenience of altering a family’s gender balance represents an unwanted example of how assisted reproductive technology is subject to abuse…and thus it should be outlawed. They also see it as an example of a disturbing trend towards “designer babies” where genetic engineering could be used to manipulate the intellect, body configuration, build, height, and the talents of future offspring. This assertion is commonly followed by the tantalizing question as to where all this would end and whether we as a society “would really want to live in such a world.”
There is, however, one clear exception to the apparent across-the-board opposition to sex selection that is well worthy of mention. This applies in cases where sex selection is used to avoid the occurrence of a serious medical disorder that selectively affects one gender or the other (e.g., Hemophilia, a life threatening bleeding disorder that selectively affects male offspring).
SPERM GRADIENT METODOLOGY (discredited because of a lack of reliability)
This is one of the simplest methods that still (unfortunately) remains in widespread use. Here sperm is rapidly spun down (centrifuged) in the hope of separating the male sperm (those with Y-chromosomes) from the female sperm (those with X-chromosomes). It relies on the assumption that the X chromosome makes sperm heavier, allowing for separation of male from female chromosome-bearing sperm. Though this method is often touted as a low cost method for sex selection, the truth is that it simply does not work!
LOW CYTOMETRIC TESTING BY THE MICROSORT METHOD (discredited because of a lack of reliability)
This method which is now discredited by the FDA employed the use of a fluorescent dye that adheres to genetic material within the sperm. It was based on the premise that because X-bearing sperm contain more genetic material, these sperm were supposed to pick up more dye than Y-bearing sperm. Thereupon, X and Y bearing sperm are then separated into two groups and used for intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF. This method was touted as yielding a 60% to 70% accuracy rate with IUI. This has not been adequately confirmed and in my personal experience its reliability in the IVF setting has been questionable to say the least. The Microsort technique is to my knowledge not presently being offered in the United States.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) involves the removal of one or more cells from an embryo, for chromosomal or genetic analysis. The most widely used and he most reliable PGD method for gender selection is fluorescence in-situ-hybridization (FISH). However, this technique does not identify all 23 pairs of chromosomes in the embryo’s cells. At best it can well identify 12. Thus, while FISH provides an excellent method for gender selection and for identification of structural chromosomal aberrations, it is not a reliable method for diagnosing embryo aneuploidy (“competency”). Conversely, another PGD method, next generation gene sequencing (NGS) which does assess all the embryo’s chromosomes can be used for both detecting all the embryo’s chromosomes and thus can determine embryo “competency” reliably. It also reliably identifies gender. However, while NGS is very bit as reliable as FISH for gender selection, FISH can be done in fresh cycles (i.e. the ET is done in the same cycle as that in which the ER is done), while NGS requires time for testing that requires Staggered IVF (St-IVF) in which the embryos are biopsied on day 3 or day 5-6 (post-fertilization) and the blastocysts are ultrarapidly frozen (vitrified) and allowed to proceed in culture to blastocysts whereupon they are ultra-rapidly frozen (vitrified) and are then held for transfer in a subsequent cycle.
Upon completion of FISH, which takes about 24-36 hours, the couple can select which embryo(s) they will transfer to the uterus. If pregnancy results, there is almost a 100% chance it will result in the desired gender. If NGS is used, the degree of accuracy in diagnosing gender, is as reliable as is FISH but in addition, NGS provides information on the entire karyotype (all 23 pairs of chromosomes) which is extremely beneficial because it assesses embryo “competency, while FISH does not.
Sex selection done purely for family balancing is somewhat controversial, raising concern that if widely accessible and freely available, such practice could distort the natural sex ratio, leading to a population gender imbalance. However, for this to happen, there would have to be a significant population preference for sex selection. In reality, the contrary seems to apply, since studies conducted in western societies discount these concerns. In fact, the relatively high cost of IVF with the added cost of gender selection in the United States makes it unlikely that the demand would ever become large enough to impact overall population gender balance. In addition, several studies done in Western countries have shown that the majority of people do not seem to be concerned about the gender of their offspring, and that with a few notable exceptions, gender preference does not appear to be slanted in the direction of either male or female. Thus, from a practical standpoint, such concerns are overstated.
Given that in the United States most couples do not care about the gender of their offspring, and only a minority are interested in selecting the sex of their children there is currently no risk that IVF sex-selection will impact the population gender balance. Thus, in my opinion by and large, freedom of choice should prevail and a service for sex selection should be freely available
So, in my personal practice, I absolutely do offer gender selection in the following circumstances.
- Medical Indications for Gender Selection:
- For cases associated with
- sex-linked genetic disorders or,
- serious genetic disorders that are more likely to occur in one gender or the other.
- Non-Medical Family balancing
- For couples who have at least one child of the opposite gender to that which they choose for their IVF embryo transfer and,
- For those women who do not have any children at all but prefer to have a child of one or the other gender____________________________________________________________________________________________________
- For cases associated with
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\