Ask Our Doctors

Dear Patients,

I created this forum to welcome any questions you have on the topic of infertility, IVF, conception, testing, evaluation, or any related topics. I do my best to answer all questions in less than 24 hours. I know your question is important and, in many cases, I will answer within just a few hours. Thank you for taking the time to trust me with your concern.

– Geoffrey Sher, MD

Fill in the following information and we’ll get back to you.

Name: Megan L

Hi Dr. Sher,

I got pregnant at your practice and had a healthy girl (thank you!). I finally just got my period at 7m pp but am still breastfeeding, I would like to try naturally until we are ready for another transfer with your clinic once I am done breastfeeding! What do you recommend? We have MFI and I believe you had hubs on proceptin (age 29 & 30 and healthy). Any additional steps we should take?


In my opinion, you should wait until you discontinuous BF + 1-2 normal cycles. Proceptin can be helpful > Go to for information and to purchase.

Good luck!


Geoff Sher


Name: Jazzy L

Hi i was wondering what the whole process would be of ivf and how it would work on two girls?


We would need to talk. Please call my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 and set up an online consultation with me to discuss!


Geoff Sher


Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Taylor M

Age: 39.5
AMH 3.6
FSH 6.1
LH 4.6

I just completed my second fairly disappointing cycle.

I’ve been told my AMH is high for my age, although, I have not been formally diagnosed with PCOS and my RE told me not to be too concerned (but I am). I have regular cycles, I’ve been pregnant twice naturally, I have a normal BMI, no family history w/ infertility, and no ovarian cysts.

**1st cycle:

Syeda (leading up)
Testosterone cream primer
Metformin (for the AMH)
Baby aspirin
Trigger: Novarel

15 retrieved, 11 mature, 9 fertilized, 3 blastocysts, 3 aneuploid
Great quality Blasts (4AA, 4AA, 4BB)

**2nd: cycle (“mini stim”):

Clomid (added)
Testosterone cream primer
Menopur (removed Gonal, increased Menopur)
Omnitrope (increased dosage)
Baby Aspirin
Trigger: Novarel

12 retrieved, 10 mature, 10 fertilized, only 1 blastocyst (currently testing)
One good blast (5AB)

I’m ready and prepared to try again, but I want to go in with as much knowledge as possible and know that I’m doing anything I can do for better results! I am now taking 300mg CoQ10 (bio-active), ALA, a Prenatal with Folate and DHA, Myo-inositol, and an Omega blend. I maintain a fairly healthy/balanced diet although I’m sure I could do more. I’ve also started acupuncture and I ensure to get at least 30-60min of exercise 3x/week. 7-8hrs of sleep.

1. Is it possible to improve these results? Is there anything else I should/could be doing?

2. I received a bioscan from my Chinese Medicine Specialist last week and the results determined I have mitochondrial and metabolic fatigue (Prior to starting CoQ10) – do you think this could have a big impact on the results I’ve been experiencing? The eggs and embryos just do not have the energy or power to divide and thrive?

3. Did I just roll the wrong dice?

**We have a consultation with a new clinic for a second opinion in a few weeks!



In my provisional opinion, this is likely attributable to the protocols used for ovarian stimulation. I do not agree with testosterone supplementation or concomitant clomiphene included in the cycle. I think we should talk and I urge you to contact Patti Converse (my assistant) at 702-533-2691 (see below).

The journey of in vitro fertilization can be a rollercoaster of emotions for many patients. Often times they have to face the harsh reality that the number and quality of eggs retrieved has fallen short of their expectations. Then, should fertilization of these eggs not propagate  chromosomally normal (euploid), “competent” embryos suitable for transfer to the uterus, many such patients find themselves in a state of emotional distress. They grapple with the inevitable questions of why this happened and how to prevent it from occurring again in the future. This article aims to delve into these queries, providing insights, rational explanations, and therapeutic options. It is an invitation to explore the light at the end of the tunnel. Readers are urged to carefully absorb the entirety of the article in the hope of finding valuable information and renewed hope.

  • The Importance of Chromosomal Integrity: While sperm quality is an important factor, egg quality is by far the most important when it comes to the generation of embryos that are capable of propagating healthy babies (“competent”). In this regard, chromosomal integrity of the egg and embryo, although it is not the only factor , is certainly the main determinant of such competency.
  • The woman’s age: About two thirds of a woman’s eggs in her twenties or early thirties have the correct number of chromosomes, which is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. As a woman gets older, the percentage of eggs with the right number of chromosomes decreases. By age 40, only about one in every 5-6 eggs is likely to be normal, and by the mid-forties, less than one in ten eggs will be normal.
  • Ovarian Reserve (number of available in the ovaries): A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. She starts using these eggs when she begins ovulating during puberty. At first, the eggs are used up quickly, but as she gets older, the number of eggs starts to run out. Her brain and pituitary gland try to stimulate the production of more eggs by increasing the output of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), but unfortunately, this often doesn’t work. When the number of remaining eggs in her ovaries falls below a certain level (which can be different for each woman), her FSH level rises, and production of the ovarian hormone, AMH decreases. This is the start of diminishing ovarian reserve (DOR). Most women experience the onset of DOR in their late 30s or early 40s, but it can happen earlier for some. The lower the ovarian reserve, the lower the AMH level will be, and the fewer eggs will be available for harvesting during IVF-egg retrieval. In such cases, a higher dosage of fertility drugs might be needed to promote better egg production in future attempts. . On the other hand, higher AMH levels mean more eggs are available, and lower doses of fertility drugs are usually needed. DOR is commonly associated with increased bioactivity of pituitary gland-produced LH. This LH activates production of ovarian male hormones (androgens)…predominantly testosterone by ovarian connective tissue (stroma) . While a small amount of  ovarian testosterone is absolutely necessary for optimal follicle and egg development, excessive ovarian testosterone will often access the follicle , and compromise both egg quality and follicle growth and development. In some cases, rapidly increasing  LH-release (“premature LH-surge”) with excessive induced ovarian testosterone can lead to “premature luteinization”  of the follicles with cessation in growth and even to“ premature ovulation”.
  • Importance of Individualized Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Protocol: It’s not surprising that DOR is more common in older women, but regardless of age, having DOR makes a woman’s eggs more likely to be compromised during controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). The choice of the COS protocol is crucial to preventing unintentional harm to egg and embryo quality. The wrong protocol can disrupt normal egg development and increase the risk of abnormal embryos. That’s why it’s important to tailor the COS protocol to each individual’s needs. This helps optimize follicle growth and the quality of eggs and embryos. The timing of certain treatments is also important for successful outcomes.
  • Embryo Competency and Blastocyst Development: Embryos that don’t develop into blastocysts by day 6 after fertilization are usually chromosomally abnormal or aneuploid (”incompetent”) and not suitable for transfer. However, not all blastocysts are guaranteed to be normal and capable of developing into a healthy baby. As a woman gets older, the chances of a her embryos being chromosomally normal blastocyst decreases. For example, a blastocyst from a 30-year-old woman is more likely to be normal compared to one from a 40-year-old woman.

The IVF stimulation protocol has a big impact on the quality of eggs and embryos especially in women with DOR. Unfortunately, many IVF doctors use the same COS “recipe approach” for everyone without considering individual differences. Using personalized protocols can greatly improve the success of IVF. While we can’t change genetics or reverse a woman’s age, a skilled IVF specialist can customize the COS protocol to meet each patient’s specific needs.


  • Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa). Examples are Lupron, Buserelin, Superfact, and Decapeptyl . These are commonly used to launch  ovarian stimulation cycles. They work by initially causing a release of pituitary gonadotropins, followed by a decrease in LH and FSH levels within 4-7 days. This creates a relatively low LH environment when COS begins, which is generally beneficial for egg development. However, if GnRHa are administered starting concomitant with gonadotropin stimulation (see GnRHa –“flare protocol” -below) it can cause an immediate surge in LH release, potentially leading to high levels of ovarian testosterone that can harm egg quality, especially in older women and those with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR).
  • Gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonists (GnRH-antagonists) : Examples are Ganirelix, Cetrotide, and Orgalutron. GnRH antagonists (take days work quickly (within hours) to block pituitary LH release. Their purpose is to prevent excessive LH release during COS. In contrast, the LH-lowering effect of GnRH agonists takes several days to develop. Traditionally, GnRH antagonists are given starting on the 5th-7th day of gonadotropin stimulation. However, in older women and those with DOR, suppressing LH might happen too late to prevent excessive ovarian androgen production that can negatively impact egg development in the early stages of stimulation. That’s why I prefer to administer GnRH-antagonists right from the beginning of gonadotropin administration.



Patients are often told that using birth control pills (BCP) to begin ovarian stimulation will suppress the response of the ovaries. This is true, but only if the BCP is not used correctly. Here’s the explanation:

In natural menstrual cycles and cycles stimulated with fertility drugs, the follicles in the ovaries need to develop receptors that respond to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in order to properly respond to FSH stimulation. Pre-antral follicles (PAFs) do not have these receptors and cannot respond to FSH stimulation. The development of FSH responsivity requires exposure of the pre-antral follicles to FSH for several days, during which they become antral follicles (AFs) and gain the ability to respond to FSH-gonadotropin stimulation. In regular menstrual cycles, the rising FSH levels naturally convert PAFs to AFs. However, the combined BCP suppresses FSH. To counter this suppression, we need to promote increased  FSH production several days before starting COS. This allows the orderly conversion from PAFs to AFs, ensuring proper follicle and egg development.

GnRHa causes an immediate surge in FSH release by the pituitary gland, promoting the conversion from PAF to AF. Therefore, when women take the BCP control pill to launch a cycle of COS, they need to overlap the BCP with a GnRHa for a few days before menstruation. This allows the early recruited PAFs to complete their development and reach the AF stage, so they can respond appropriately to ovarian stimulation. By adjusting the length of time, the woman is on the birth control pill, we can regulate and control the timing of the IVF treatment cycle. Without this step, initiating ovarian stimulation in women coming off birth control pills would be suboptimal.


  • GnRH Agonist Ovarian Stimulation Protocols:
    • The long GnRHa protocol: Here, a GnRHa (usually Lupron or Superfact) is given either in a natural cycle, starting 5-7 days before menstruation, overlapping with the BCP for three days. Thereupon, the pill is stopped, while daily  GnRHa injections continue until menstruation occurs (usually 5-7 days later). The GnRHa causes a rapid rise in FSH and LH levels. This is followed about 3-4 days later , by a progressive decline in FSH and LH to near zero levels,  with a concomitant drop in ovarian estradiol and progesterone. This, in turn triggers uterine withdrawal bleeding (menstruation) within 5-7 days of starting the GnRHa administration. Gonadotropin treatment is then initiated while daily GnRHa injections continue to maintain a relatively low LH environment. Gonadotropin administration continues until the hCG “trigger” (see below).
    • Short GnRH-Agonist (“Flare”) Protocol: This protocol involves starting hormone therapy and using GnRH agonist at the same time. The goal is to boost FSH so that with concomitant stimulation with FSH-gonadotropins + the GnRHa-induced surge in pituitary gland FSH release, will augment follicle development. However, this surge also leads to a rise in LH levels, which can cause an excessive production of ovarian male hormones (e.g., testosterone). This could potentially adversely affect the quality of eggs, especially in women over 39 years old, those with low ovarian reserve, and women with PCOS or DOR who already have increased LH sensitivity. In this way, these “flare protocols” can potentially decrease the success rates of IVF. While they are generally safe for younger women with normal ovarian reserve, I personally avoid using this approach on the off chance that even patients with normal ovarian reserve, might experience poor egg quality.
  • GnRH Antagonist-Ovarian Stimulation Protocols:
    • Conventional GnRH Antagonist Protocol: In this approach, daily GnRH antagonist injections are given from the 5th to the 8th day of COS with gonadotropins to the day of the “trigger” (see below). Accordingly, although rapidly acting to lower LH , this effect of GnRH- antagonist only starts suppressing LH from well into the COS cycle which means the ovarian follicles are left exposed and unshielded from pituitary gland -produced, (endogenous) LH during the first several days of stimulation. This can be harmful, especially in the early stage of COS when eggs and follicles are most vulnerable to the effects of over-produced LH-induced excessive ovarian testosterone. Therefore, I believe the Conventional GnRH Antagonist Protocol is not ideal for older women, those with low ovarian reserve, and women with PCOS who already have elevated LH activity. However, this protocol is acceptable for younger women with normal ovarian reserve, although I personally avoid using this approach on the off chance that even patients with normal ovarian reserve, might experience poor egg quality.

It’s important to note that the main reason for using GnRH antagonists is to prevent a premature LH surge, which is associated with poor egg and embryo quality due to follicular exhaustion. However, calling it a “premature LH surge” is misleading because it actually represents the culmination of a progressive increase in LH-induced ovarian testosterone. A better term would be “premature luteinization”. In some such cases, the rise in LH can precipitate “premature ovulation”.


  • Agonist/Antagonist Conversion Protocol (A/ACP): I recommend this protocol for many of my patients, especially for older women and those with DOR or PCOS. The woman starts by taking a BCP for 7-10 days. This overlapped with a GnRHa for 3 days and continued until menstruation ensues about 5-7 days later. At this point  she “converts” from the GnRH-agonist to a GnRH-antagonist (Ganirelix, Orgalutron, or Cetrotide). A few days after this conversion from agonist to antagonist, COS with  gonadotropin stimulation starts. Both the antagonist and the gonadotropins are continued together until the hCG trigger. The purpose is to suppress endogenous LH release throughout the COS process and so  avoid over-exposure of follicles and eggs to LH-induced  excessive ovarian testosterone which as previously stated, can compromise egg and follicle growth and development.   Excessive ovarian testosterone can also adversely affect estrogen-induced growth of the uterine lining (endometrium). Unlike GnRH-agonists, antagonists do not suppress ovarian response to the gonadotropin stimulation. This is why the A/ACP is well-suited for older women and those with diminished ovarian reserve.
  • A/ACP with estrogen priming: This is a modified version of the A/ACP protocol used for women with very low ovarian reserve (AMH=<0.2ng/ml). Estrogen priming is believed to enhance the response of follicles to gonadotropins. Patients start their treatment cycle by taking a combined birth control pill (BCP) for 7-10 days. After that, they overlap daily administration of a GnRH agonist with the BCP for 3 days. The BCP is then stopped, and the daily agonist continues until menstruation ensues (usually 5-7 days later). At this point, the GnRH agonist is supplanted by daily injections of  GnRH antagonist and  Estradiol (E2) “priming” begins using E2 skin patches or intramuscular estradiol valerate injections twice weekly, while continuing the GnRH antagonist. Seven days after starting the estrogen priming COS begins using recombinant FSHr such as Follistim, Gonal-F or Puregon) +menotropin (e.g., Menopur) . The estrogen “priming” continues to the day of the “trigger” (see below).  Egg retrieval is performed 36 hours after the trigger.

Younger women (under 30 years) and women with absent, irregular, or dysfunctional ovulation, as well as those with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), are at risk of developing a severe condition called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), which can be life-threatening. To predict this condition, accurate daily blood E2 level monitoring is required.



  • The hCG “trigger”: When it comes to helping eggs mature before retrieval, one of the important decisions the doctor needs to make is choosing the “trigger shot” to facilitate the process. Traditionally, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is derived from the urine of pregnant women (hCGu) while a newer recombinant hCG (hCGr), Ovidrel was recently The ideal dosage of hCGu is 10,000U and for Ovidrel, the recommended dosage is 500mcg. Both have the same efficacy. The “trigger” is usually administered by intramuscular injection, 34-36 hours prior to egg retrieval.

Some doctors may choose to lower the dosage of hCG if there is a risk of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). However, I believe that a low dose of hCG (e.g., 5000 units of hCGu or 250 mcg of hCGr ( Ovidrel) might not be enough to optimize egg maturation, especially when there are many follicles. Instead, I suggest using a method called “prolonged coasting” to reduce the risk of OHSS.

  • Using GnRH antagonist alone or combined with hCG as the trigger: Some doctors may prefer to use a GnRH- agonist trigger instead of hCG to reduce the risk of OHSS. The GnRHa “trigger” acts by inducing a “surge of pituitary gland-LH. However, it is difficult to predict the amount of LH that is released in response to a standard agonist trigger. In my opinion, using hCG is a better choice, even in cases of ovarian hyperstimulation, with the condition that “prolonged coasting” is implemented beforehand.
  • Combined use of hCG + GnRH agonist: This approach is better than using a GnRH agonist alone but still not as effective as using the appropriate dosage of hCG.
  • Timing of the trigger: The trigger shot should be given when the majority of ovarian follicles have reached a size of more than 15 mm, with several follicles measuring 18-22 mm. Follicles larger than 22 mm often contain overdeveloped eggs, while follicles smaller than 15 mm usually have underdeveloped and potentially abnormal eggs.


OHSS is a life-threatening condition that can occur during controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) when the blood E2 (estradiol) level rises too high. It is more common in young women with high ovarian reserve, women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and young women who do not ovulate spontaneously. To prevent OHSS, some doctors may trigger egg maturation earlier, use a lower dosage of hCG, or “trigger” using a GnRHa. However, these approaches can compromise egg and embryo quality and reduce the chances of success.

To protect against the risk of OHSS while optimizing egg quality, Physicians can use one of two options. The first is “prolonged coasting,” a procedure I introduced more than three decades ago. It involves stopping gonadotropin therapy while continuing to administer the GnRHa until the risk of OHSS has decreased. The precise timing of “prolonged coasting” is critical. It should be initiated when follicles have reached a specific size accompanied and the  blood estradiol has reached a certain peak.  The second option is to avoid fresh embryo transfer and freeze all “competent” embryos for later frozen embryo transfers (FETs) at a time when the risk of OHSS has subsided. By implementing these strategies, both egg/embryo quality and maternal well-being can be maximized.

In the journey of fertility, a woman is blessed with a limited number of eggs, like precious treasures awaiting their time. As she blossoms into womanhood, these eggs are gradually used, and the reserves start to fade. Yet, the power of hope and science intertwines, as we strive to support the development of these eggs through personalized treatment. We recognize that each woman is unique, and tailoring the protocol to her individual needs can unlock the path to success. We embrace the delicate timing, understanding that not all embryos are destined for greatness. With age, the odds may shift, but our dedication remains steadfast, along with our ultimate objective, which is  to do everything possible to propagate  of a normal pregnancy while optimizing the  quality of that life after birth and all times, minimizing risk to the prospective parents.


Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: O W

Dear Dr Sher,

I’m 37.5 years old and have a long history of unsuccessful IVF rounds albeit with one successful cycle four years ago. My case has been classed as quite challenging. I’ve undergone 13 IVF cycles under the care of a leading UK physician and have good ovarian reserve for my age notwithstanding PCOS. Throughout the past 13 cycles, I’ve consistently had between 19-35 eggs retrieved all being immature. I did have one successful cycle which was a rescue IVF as 8 of the eggs matured overnight in the lab and ICSI was successful. I’ve just finished completed another disappointing cycle in which 19 immature eggs were collected on day 19 of my cycle. The usual protocol applied for me has been to use Letrozole throughout treatment starting on day 2 or 3 of my cycle along with GONAL-F. Fyremadel is then administered once the lead follicle reaches 14mm. Due to concerns of ohss (which I’ve never had with all 13 cycles), a trigger of 0.5 buselin and 7-8 clicks of Ovitrelle is administered typically any day between day 14 – day 17 of my cycle with an EC 36 hours later. I’m frustrated and would appreciate your thoughts on what other protocol to try. I would like to give my child a sibling but cannot continue to do the same thing and same results!

Your thoughts would be gratefully received.



If you’ve undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF) and didn’t achieve a successful pregnancy, you may be wondering why. It’s important to know that IVF outcomes can be unpredictable, but there are factors that can affect your chances. Let’s explore some common reasons for IVF failure in simpler terms.

  1. Age: A woman’s age is a significant factor in IVF success. Generally, women under 35 have a higher chance of getting pregnant through IVF, around 35-40% per embryo transfer. However, this success rate decreases as women get older. For women in their mid-forties, the success rate drops to under 5%. This decline is mainly because the quality of eggs decreases as women age, affecting their ability to develop normally.


  1. Egg/Embryo Competency: Apart from age, the quality and competency of embryos also affect IVF success. The quality of eggs and embryos is influenced by a woman’s age. However, for older women or those with fewer eggs, the specific IVF protocol used to stimulate the ovaries becomes crucial. A more aggressive approach may be needed to maximize the chances of success. Previously, it was thought that the uterus was better for embryo development than the lab environment. So, early-stage embryos were transferred to the uterus based on their appearance. However, we now know that embryos that have progressed further in development are more likely to be successful. Embryos that don’t reach the blastocyst stage within 5-6 days after fertilization are considered less competent and not suitable for transfer. Additionally, Preimplantation Genetic Sampling / Testing (PGS/T) allows us to check the chromosomes of embryos. This technique helps select the most competent embryos for transfer, especially for older women, those with fewer eggs, repeated IVF failures, and recurrent pregnancy loss.


  1. Number of Embryos Transferred: Some people believe that transferring more embryos increases the chances of success. While this may have some truth, it’s essential to know that if the problem lies with the ovarian stimulation protocol, transferring more embryos won’t solve it. Also, transferring more embryos doesn’t fix issues related to embryo implantation dysfunction, such as anatomical or immunologic problems. Moreover, multiple embryos can lead to higher-order multiple pregnancies, which pose risks. To minimize these risks, it’s generally recommended to transfer a maximum of two embryos, or even just one, especially when using eggs from young women.
  1. Implantation Dysfunction (ID): Implantation dysfunction is often overlooked as a cause of unexplained IVF failure, especially in young women with normal ovarian reserve and fertile partners. Failure to identify and address these issues can result in repeated IVF failures. If transferring competent embryos repeatedly fails to result in a viable pregnancy, implantation dysfunction should be considered. The most common causes include:
    1. Thin Uterine Lining: When the lining of the uterus is too thin, it can affect the embryo’s ability to implant and grow.
    2. Surface Lesions in the Uterus: Polyps, fibroids, or scar tissue in the uterus can interfere with embryo implantation.
    3. Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID): Sometimes, the immune system can mistakenly attack the embryo, preventing successful implantation.
    4. Endocrine/Molecular Endometrial Receptivity Issues: Hormonal or molecular issues in the uterine lining can impact the embryo’s ability to attach and develop.
    5. Ureaplasma Urealyticum (UU) Infection: This infection in the cervical mucous and uterine lining can lead to unexplained early pregnancy loss or IVF failure. Both partners should be tested and treated if positive to prevent transmission.

Certain causes of infertility are difficult or impossible  to reverse, e.g.; advanced age of the woman, severe male infertility, and immunologic implantation dysfunction associated with certain specific genetic factors.

Understanding the common factors contributing to IVF failure can help you have informed discussions with your doctor and make decisions for future attempts. Factors like the number of embryos transferred and implantation dysfunction play significant roles. While success cannot be guaranteed, knowing these factors can guide you in maximizing your chances and addressing potential issues.




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Naz C

Hi Dr Sher,

My husband and I are using donated embryos from a clinic program after 8 rounds of failed IVF due to low AMH 0.19 & diminished ovarian reserve. I have endometriomas in my ovaries and am now 44 years old. We started IVF in Jan 2020.

The embryos are made with donor eggs, the male donor was 52 at the time and the egg donor was 25. 15 embryos were made, the donating family transferred 2 and had one child. The remaining embryos were split, 8 to us and 7 to another couple. The donor has had successful pregnancies with each donation. She donated 10 times and this was donation #7. The embryos were made in 2012 and slow freeze was used. They are not PGT tested.

We transferred one Good/Good embryo and no pregnancy. One embryo did not survive the thaw. We then transferred 2 Good/Good embryos and had a pregnancy but 7 week ultrasound showed a blighted ovum. I have done 2 months depot Lupron, for the 2nd transfer I did more daily Leuprolide, lipid infusion, dexamethasone and prednisone.

We have 4 embryos of Fair/Fair quality left. Based on your experience, do you think that we will be able to have a successful pregnancy and live birth? Any insight you have to improve our success would be appreciated. Thank you.


It is important to understand that endometriosis can be associated with an autoimmune, immunologic implantation dysfunction in about 30% of cases (regardless of its severity). This should, in my opinion, be thoroughly evaluated before transferring any more of these embryos!

In the world of assisted reproduction, when IVF fails repeatedly or without explanation, it’s often assumed that poor embryo quality is the main culprit. However, this view oversimplifies the situation. The process of embryo implantation, which begins about six or seven days after fertilization, involves a complex interaction between embryonic cells and the lining of the uterus. These specialized cells, called trophoblasts, eventually become the placenta. When the trophoblasts meet the uterine lining, they engage in a communication process with immune cells through hormone-like substances called cytokines. This interaction plays a critical role in supporting the successful growth of the embryo. From the earliest stages, the trophoblasts establish the foundation for the exchange of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen between the mother and the baby. The process of implantation not only ensures the survival of early pregnancy but also contributes to the quality of life after birth.

There are numerous uterine factors that can impede embryo implantation potential. However, the vast majority relate to the following three (3) factors:

  1. Thin uterine lining (endometrium) . A lining that is <8mm in thickness at the time of ovulation, and/ or the administration of progesterone
  2. Irregularity the inner surface of the uterine cavity (caused by protruding sub-mucous fibroids, scar  tissue or polyps )
  • Immunologic factors that compromise implantation

Of these 3 factors, the one most commonly overlooked (largely because of the highly complex nature of the problem) is immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID), a common cause of “unexplained (often repeated) IVF failure and recurrent pregnancy loss. This article will focus on the one that most commonly is overlooked ….namely, immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID.

There is a growing recognition that problems with the immune function in the uterus can lead to embryo implantation dysfunction. The failure of proper immunologic interaction during implantation has been implicated as a cause of recurrent miscarriage, late pregnancy fetal loss, IVF failure, and infertility. Some immunologic factors that may contribute to these issues include antiphospholipid antibodies (APA), antithyroid antibodies (ATA) , and activated natural killer cells (NKa).

  • Activated natural Killer Cells (NKa):

During ovulation and early pregnancy, the uterine lining is frequented by NK cells and T-cells, which together make up more than 80% of the immune cells in the uterine lining. These cells travel from the bone marrow to the endometrium where they proliferate under hormonal regulation. When exposed to progesterone, they produce TH-1 and TH-2 cytokines. TH-2 cytokines help the trophoblast (embryo’s “root system”) to penetrate the uterine lining, while TH-1 cytokines induce apoptosis (cell suicide), limiting placental development to the inner part of the uterus. The balance between TH1 and TH-2 cytokines is crucial for optimal placental development. NK cells and T-cells contribute to cytokine production. Excessive TH-1 cytokine production is harmful to the trophoblast and endometrial cells, leading to programmed cell death and ultimately to implantation failure.

Functional NK cells reach their highest concentration in the endometrium around 6-7 days after ovulation or exposure to progesterone, which coincides with the time of embryo implantation.

It’s important to note that measuring the concentration of blood NK cells doesn’t reflect NK cell activation (NKa). The activation of NK cells is what matters. In certain conditions like endometriosis, the blood concentration of NK cells may be below normal, but NK cell activation is significantly increased.

There are several laboratory methods to assess NK cell activation (cytotoxicity), including immunohistochemical assessment of uterine NK cells and measuring TH-1 cytokines in the uterus or blood. However, the K-562 target cell blood test remains the gold standard. In this test, NK cells isolated from a woman’s blood are incubated with specific “target cells,” and the percentage of killed target cells is quantified. More than 12% killing indicates a level of NK cell activation that usually requires treatment. Currently, there are only a few Reproductive Immunology Reference Laboratories in the USA capable of reliably performing the K-562 target cell test.

There is a common misconception that adding IL (intralipid) or IVIg to NK cells can immediately downregulate NK cell activity. However, IL and IVIg cannot significantly suppress already activated NK cells. They are believed to work by regulating NK cell progenitors, which then produce downregulated NK cells. To assess the therapeutic effect, IL/IVIg infusion should be done about 14 days before embryos are transferred to the uterus to ensure a sufficient number of normal functional NK cells are present at the implantation site during embryo transfer. Failure to recognize this reality has led to the erroneous demand from IVF doctors for Reproductive Immunology Reference Laboratories to report on NK cell activity before and immediately after exposure to IVIg or IL at different concentrations. However, since already activated NK cells cannot be deactivated in the laboratory, assessing NKa suppression in this way has little clinical benefit. Even if blood is drawn 10-14 days after IL/IVIg treatment, it would take another 10-14 days to receive the results, which would be too late to be practically advantageous.

  • Antiphospholipid Antibodies:

Many women who struggle with IVF failure or recurrent pregnancy loss, as well as those with a personal or family history of autoimmune diseases like lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and dermatomyositis, often test positive for antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs). Over 30 years ago, I proposed a treatment for women with positive APA tests. This involved using a low dose of heparin to improve the success of IVF implantation and increase birth rates. Research indicated that heparin could prevent APAs from affecting the embryo’s “root system” ( the trophoblast), thus enhancing implantation. We later discovered that this therapy only benefits women whose APAs target specific phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine). Nowadays, longer-acting low molecular weight heparinoids like Lovenox and Clexane have replaced heparin.

  • Antithyroid Antibodies ( thyroid peroxidase -TPO and antithyroglobulin antibodies (TGa)

Between 2% and 5% of women of the childbearing age have reduced thyroid hormone activity (hypothyroidism). Women with hypothyroidism often manifest with reproductive failure i.e., infertility, unexplained (often repeated) IVF failure, or recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). The condition is 5-10 times more common in women than in men. In most cases hypothyroidism is caused by damage to the thyroid gland resulting from thyroid autoimmunity (Hashimoto’s disease) caused by damage done to the thyroid gland by antithyroglobulin and antimicrosomal auto-antibodies. The increased prevalence of hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity (TAI) in women is likely the result of a combination of genetic factors, estrogen-related effects, and chromosome X abnormalities. This having been said, there is significantly increased incidence of thyroid antibodies in non-pregnant women with a history of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss and thyroid antibodies can be present asymptomatically in women without them manifesting with overt clinical or endocrinologic evidence of thyroid disease. In addition, these antibodies may persist in women who have suffered from hyper- or hypothyroidism even after normalization of their thyroid function by appropriate pharmacological treatment. The manifestations of reproductive dysfunction thus seem to be linked more to the presence of thyroid autoimmunity (TAI) than to clinical existence of hypothyroidism and treatment of the latter does not routinely result in a subsequent improvement in reproductive performance. It follows that if antithyroid autoantibodies are associated with reproductive dysfunction they may serve as useful markers for predicting poor outcome in patients undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. Some years back, I reported on the fact that 47% of women who harbor thyroid autoantibodies, regardless of the absence or presence of clinical hypothyroidism, have activated uterine natural killer cells (NKa) cells and cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL) and that such women often present with reproductive dysfunction. We demonstrated that appropriate immunotherapy with IVIG or intralipid (IL) and steroids subsequently often results in a significant improvement in reproductive performance in such cases.

Almost 50% of women with antithyroid antibodies do not have activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) or natural killer cells (NK cells). This suggests that the antibodies themselves may not be the direct cause of reproductive dysfunction. Instead, the activation of CTL and NK cells, which occurs in about half of the cases with thyroid autoimmunity (TAI), is likely an accompanying phenomenon that damages the early “root system” (trophoblast) of the embryo during implantation.

Treating women who have both antithyroid antibodies and activated NK cells/CTL with intralipid (IL) and steroids improves their chances of successful reproduction. However, women with antithyroid antibodies who do not have activated NK cells/CTL do not require this treatment.

  • Treatment Options for Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID):
  1. Intralipid (IL) Therapy: IL is a mixture of soybean lipid droplets in water, primarily used for providing nutrition. When administered intravenously, IL supplies essential fatty acids that can activate certain receptors in NK cells, reducing their cytotoxic activity and enhancing implantation. IL, combined with corticosteroids, suppresses the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines by NK cells, improving reproductive outcomes. IL is cost-effective and has fewer side effects compared to other treatments like IVIg.
  2. Intravenous immunoglobulin-G (IVIg) Therapy: In the past, IVIg was used to down-regulate activated NK cells. However, concerns about viral infections and the high cost led to a decline in its use. IVIg can be effective, but IL has become a more favorable and affordable alternative.
  3. Corticosteroid Therapy: Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and dexamethasone, are commonly used in IVF treatment. They have an immunomodulatory effect and reduce TH-1 cytokine production by CTL. When combined with IL or IVIg, corticosteroids enhance the implantation process. Treatment typically starts 10-14 days before embryo transfer and continues until the 10th week of pregnancy.
  4. Heparinoid Therapy: Low molecular weight heparin (Clexane, Lovenox) can improve IVF success rates in women with antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs) and may prevent pregnancy loss in certain thrombophilias when used during treatment. It is administered subcutaneously once daily from the start of ovarian stimulation.
  5. TH-1 Cytokine Blockers (Enbrel, Humira): TH-1 cytokine blockers have limited effectiveness in the IVF setting and, in my opinion, no compelling evidence supports their use. They may have a role in treating threatened miscarriage caused by CTL/NK cell activation, but not for IVF treatment. TH-1 cytokines are needed for cellular response, during the early phase of implantation, so completely blocking them could hinder normal implantation.
  6. Baby Aspirin and IVF: Baby aspirin doesn’t offer much value in treating implantation dysfunction (IID) and may even reduce the chance of success. This is because aspirin thins the blood and increases the risk of bleeding, which can complicate procedures like egg retrieval or embryo transfer during IVF, potentially compromising its success.
  7. Leukocyte Immunization Therapy (LIT): LIT involves injecting the male partner’s lymphocytes into the mother to improve the recognition of the embryo as “self” and prevent rejection. LIT can up-regulate Treg cells and down-regulate NK cell activation, improving the balance of TH-1 and TH-2 cells in the uterus. However, the same benefits can be achieved through IL (Intralipid) therapy combined with corticosteroids. IL is more cost-effective, and the use of LIT is prohibited by law in the USA.
  8. Autoimmune Implantation Dysfunction: Women with a personal or family history of autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus Erythematosus, thyroid autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s disease and thyrotoxicosis), and endometriosis (in about one-third of cases) may experience autoimmune IID. However, autoimmune IID can also occur without any personal or family history of autoimmune diseases.Treatment for NK cell activation in IVF cases complicated by autoimmune IID involves a combination of daily oral dexamethasone from the start of ovarian stimulation until the 10th week of pregnancy, along with 20% intralipid (IL) infusion 10 days to 2 weeks before embryo transfer. With this treatment, the chance of a viable pregnancy occurring within two completed embryo transfer attempts is approximately 70% for women <40 years old who have  normal ovarian reserve.

It should be emphasized that poor embryo quality is not always the main cause of reproductive dysfunction and that the complex interaction between embryonic cells and the lining of the uterus  plays a critical role in successful implantation. Women with personal or family histories of autoimmune disease or endometriosis and those with unexplained (often repeated) IVF failure or recurrent pregnancy loss, often have immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID as the underlying cause . For such women, it is important to understand how IID leads to reproductive failure and how selective treatment options such as intralipid (IL), corticosteroid and heparinoid therapy, can dramatically  improve reproductive outcomes. Finally, there is real hope that proper identification and management of IID can  significantly improve the chance of successful reproduction and ultimately contribute to better quality of life after birth.




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\




Name: Cristina Y

Could taking Cabergoline after trigger but before oocyte collection have a negative impact on oocyte quality?


No! It should not!


Geoff Sher




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\




Name: Bridget A

I went in for I V F but I keep getting shiver and can not sleep


See your RE and be evaluated to exclude ifection!

Geoff Sher




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Lalitha I

On day 15th i went to follicular study and in right ovary egg size is 10.3×7mm and left ovary egg size is 10×6mm can I able to conceive doctor suggested me to come again on 24th for another follicular study


Possible but highly unlikely!


Geoff Sher




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Jennifer M

Hi, I read a lot online about the lining being too thick for a successful FET. Mine is measuring 17 and still a week to go. Should I be concerned or are they right were good to move forward with the transfer? Thanks


Provided t here is no endometrial pathology, a thick lining does not adversely affect IVF outcome.


Geoff Sher




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\




Name: Juby B

I need to why it is happening ?


If you’ve undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF) and didn’t achieve a successful pregnancy, you may be wondering why. It’s important to know that IVF outcomes can be unpredictable, but there are factors that can affect your chances. Let’s explore some common reasons for IVF failure in simpler terms.

  1. Age: A woman’s age is a significant factor in IVF success. Generally, women under 35 have a higher chance of getting pregnant through IVF, around 35-40% per embryo transfer. However, this success rate decreases as women get older. For women in their mid-forties, the success rate drops to under 5%. This decline is mainly because the quality of eggs decreases as women age, affecting their ability to develop normally.


  1. Egg/Embryo Competency: Apart from age, the quality and competency of embryos also affect IVF success. The quality of eggs and embryos is influenced by a woman’s age. However, for older women or those with fewer eggs, the specific IVF protocol used to stimulate the ovaries becomes crucial. A more aggressive approach may be needed to maximize the chances of success. Previously, it was thought that the uterus was better for embryo development than the lab environment. So, early-stage embryos were transferred to the uterus based on their appearance. However, we now know that embryos that have progressed further in development are more likely to be successful. Embryos that don’t reach the blastocyst stage within 5-6 days after fertilization are considered less competent and not suitable for transfer. Additionally, Preimplantation Genetic Sampling / Testing (PGS/T) allows us to check the chromosomes of embryos. This technique helps select the most competent embryos for transfer, especially for older women, those with fewer eggs, repeated IVF failures, and recurrent pregnancy loss.


  1. Number of Embryos Transferred: Some people believe that transferring more embryos increases the chances of success. While this may have some truth, it’s essential to know that if the problem lies with the ovarian stimulation protocol, transferring more embryos won’t solve it. Also, transferring more embryos doesn’t fix issues related to embryo implantation dysfunction, such as anatomical or immunologic problems. Moreover, multiple embryos can lead to higher-order multiple pregnancies, which pose risks. To minimize these risks, it’s generally recommended to transfer a maximum of two embryos, or even just one, especially when using eggs from young women.
  1. Implantation Dysfunction (ID): Implantation dysfunction is often overlooked as a cause of unexplained IVF failure, especially in young women with normal ovarian reserve and fertile partners. Failure to identify and address these issues can result in repeated IVF failures. If transferring competent embryos repeatedly fails to result in a viable pregnancy, implantation dysfunction should be considered. The most common causes include:
    1. Thin Uterine Lining: When the lining of the uterus is too thin, it can affect the embryo’s ability to implant and grow.
    2. Surface Lesions in the Uterus: Polyps, fibroids, or scar tissue in the uterus can interfere with embryo implantation.
    3. Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID): Sometimes, the immune system can mistakenly attack the embryo, preventing successful implantation.
    4. Endocrine/Molecular Endometrial Receptivity Issues: Hormonal or molecular issues in the uterine lining can impact the embryo’s ability to attach and develop.
    5. Ureaplasma Urealyticum (UU) Infection: This infection in the cervical mucous and uterine lining can lead to unexplained early pregnancy loss or IVF failure. Both partners should be tested and treated if positive to prevent transmission.

Certain causes of infertility are difficult or impossible  to reverse, e.g.; advanced age of the woman, severe male infertility, and immunologic implantation dysfunction associated with certain specific genetic factors.

Understanding the common factors contributing to IVF failure can help you have informed discussions with your doctor and make decisions for future attempts. Factors like the number of embryos transferred and implantation dysfunction play significant roles. While success cannot be guaranteed, knowing these factors can guide you in maximizing your chances and addressing potential issues.







Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Kimmona s

How much for ivf


It all depends on the proposed treatment. Call Patti at 702-533-2691 and she will provide additional and more specific information.




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Awulatu A

Can the catheter drain pus in the blocked fallopian tube


I am afraid not!


Geoff Sher




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Ahmad A

Hi, we are doing an ivf cycle in canada and plan to continue that here. However, we would like to get consultation from Dr. Sher to review our file, details, previous tries and provide recommendations remotely. We might be wrong but think the current clinic we are in and the previous one had limited resources or expertise.
we would like to book a consultation and hopefully you can help us with your expert opinion


If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

Name: Mel P


I scored 1.8 on the Receptiva test, and had a laparoscopy two weeks ago that revealed pelvic and bowel adhesions, and a blocked tube (all likely caused by a past silent infection – not from endo?). They also found less than 1 cm of endometriosis on my left pelvic wall. All adhesions and endo were excised and the tube was removed, as well as a 9mm polyp in my uterus. My RE is saying that doing one month of Lupron will give me the best possible chance for my first upcoming FET to suppress any endo potentially missed or unseen. I’m wondering, would a month Lupron really make a difference when there was so little endo found? If it truly will increase my success rate for transferring, I’m open to trying it. But lupron seems to come with potential high risks so I don’t want to take it without likely impact for success!

I also saw your posts about blood testing for IID, including the APA and NKa. Is this something you advise testing prior to any FETs? And is that something our RE would be able to order, and how would we go about using one of the 3 reputable labs? (I live in AZ!)

Thank you in advance. I greatly appreciate you sharing your wisdom.


I personally do not advocate long acting Lupron for treating endometriosis-related infertility.


When women with infertility due to endometriosis seek treatment, they are all too often advised to first try ovarian stimulation (ovulation Induction) with intrauterine insemination (IUI) ………as if to say that this would be just as likely to result in a baby as would in vitro fertilization (IVF). Nothing could be further from reality It is time to set the record straight. And hence this communication!

Bear in mind that the cost of treatment comprises both financial and emotional components and that it is the cost of having a baby rather than cost of a procedure. Then consider the fact that regardless of her age or the severity of the condition, women with infertility due to endometriosis are several fold more likely to have a baby per treatment cycle of IVF than with IUI. It follows that there is a distinct advantage in doing IVF first, rather than as a last resort.

So then, why is it that ovulation induction with or without IUI is routinely offered proposed preferentially to women with mild to moderately severe endometriosis? Could it in part be due to the fact that most practicing doctors do not provide IVF services but are indeed remunerated for ovarian stimulation and IUI services and are thus economically incentivized to offer IUI as a first line approach? Or is because of the often erroneous belief that the use of fertility drugs will in all cases induce the release (ovulation) of multiple eggs at a time and thereby increase the chance of a pregnancy. The truth however is that while normally ovulating women (the majority of women who have mild to moderately severe endometriosis) respond to ovarian stimulation with fertility drugs by forming multiple follicles, they rarely ovulate > 1 (or at most 2) egg at a time. This is because such women usually only develop a single dominant follicle which upon ovulating leaves the others intact. This is the reason why normally ovulating women who undergo ovulation induction usually will not experience improved pregnancy potential, nor will they have a marked increase in multiple pregnancies. Conversely, non-ovulating women (as well as those with dysfunctional ovulation) who undergo ovulation induction, almost always develop multiple large follicles that tend to ovulate in unison. This increases the potential to conceive along with an increased risk multiple pregnancies.


So let me take a stab at explaining why IVF is more successful than IUI or surgical correction in the treatment of endometriosis-related infertility:

  1. The toxic pelvic factor: Endometriosis is a condition where the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) grows outside the uterus. While this process begins early in the reproductive life of a woman, with notable exceptions, it only becomes manifest in the 2ndhalf of her reproductive life. After some time, these deposits bleed and when the blood absorbs it leaves a visible pigment that can be identified upon surgical exposure of the pelvis. Such endometriotic deposits invariably produce and release toxins” into the pelvic secretions that coat the surface of the membrane (the peritoneum) that envelops all abdominal and pelvic organs, including the uterus, tubes and ovaries. These toxins are referred to as “the peritoneal factor”. Following ovulation, the egg(s) must pass from the ovary (ies), through these toxic secretions to reach the sperm lying in wait in the outer part the fallopian tube (s) tube(s) where, the sperm lie in waiting. In the process of going from the ovary(ies) to the Fallopian tube(s) these eggs become exposed to the “peritoneal toxins” which alter s the envelopment of the egg (i.e. zona pellucida) making it much less receptive to being fertilized by sperm. As a consequence, if they are chromosomally normal such eggs are rendered much less likely to be successfully fertilized. Since almost all women with endometriosis have this problem, it is not difficult to understand why they are far less likely to conceive following ovulation (whether natural or induced through ovulation induction). This “toxic peritoneal factor impacts on eggs that are ovulated whether spontaneously (as in natural cycles) or following the use of fertility drugs and serves to explain why the chance of pregnancy is so significantly reduced in normally ovulating women with endometriosis.
  2. The Immunologic Factor: About one third of women who have endometriosis will also have an immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID) linked to activation of uterine natural killer cells (NKa).  This will require selective immunotherapy with Intralipid infusions, and/or heparinoids (e.g. Clexane/Lovenox) that is much more effectively implemented in combination with IVF.
  3. Surgical treatment of mild to moderate endometriosis does not usually improve pregnancy potential:. The reason is that endometriosis can be considered to be a “work in progress”. New lesions are constantly developing. So it is that for every endometriotic seen there are usually many non-pigmented deposits that are in the process of evolving but are not yet visible to the naked eye and such evolving (non-visible) lesions can also release the same “toxins that compromise fertilization. Accordingly, even after surgical removal of all visible lesions the invisible ones continue to release “toxins” and retain the ability to compromise natural fertilization. It also explains why surgery to remove endometriotic deposits in women with mild to moderate endometriosis usually will fail to significantly improve pregnancy generating potential. In contrast, IVF, by removing eggs from the ovaries prior to ovulation, fertilizing these outside of the body and then transferring the resulting embryo(s) to the uterus, bypasses the toxic pelvic environment and is therefore is the treatment of choice in cases of endometriosis-related infertility.
  4. Ovarian Endometriomas: Women, who have advanced endometriosis, often have endometriotic ovarian cysts, known as endometriomas. These cysts contain decomposed menstrual blood that looks like melted chocolate…hence the name “chocolate cysts”. These space occupying lesions can activate ovarian connective tissue (stroma or theca) resulting in an overproduction of male hormones (especially testosterone). An excess of ovarian testosterone can severely compromise follicle and egg development in the affected ovary. Thus there are two reasons for treating endometriomas. The first is to alleviate symptoms and the second is to optimize egg and embryo quality. Conventional treatment of endometriomas involves surgical drainage of the cyst contents with subsequent removal of the cyst wall (usually by laparoscopy), increasing the risk of surgical complications. We recently reported on a new, effective and safe outpatient approach to treating endometriomas in women planning to undergo IVF. We termed the treatment ovarian Sclerotherapy.  The process involves; needle aspiration of the “chocolate colored liquid content of the endometriotic cyst, followed by the injection of 5% tetracycline hydrochloride into the cyst cavity. Such treatment will, more than 75% of the time result in disappearance of the lesion within 6-8 weeks. Ovarian sclerotherapy can be performed under local anesthesia or under conscious sedation. It is a safe and effective alternative to surgery for definitive treatment of recurrent ovarian endometriomas in a select group of patients planning to undergo IVF


 I am not suggesting that all women with infertility-related endometriosis should automatically resort to IVF. Quite to the contrary…. In spite of having reduced fertility potential, many women with mild to moderate endometriosis can and do go on to conceive on their own (without treatment). It is just that the chance of this happening is so is much lower than normal.


IN SUMMARY: For young ovulating women (< 35 years of age ) with endometriosis, who have normal reproductive anatomy and have fertile male partners, expectant treatment is often preferable to IUI or IVF. However, for older women, women who (regardless of their age) have any additional factor (e.g. pelvic adhesions, ovarian endometriomas, male infertility, IID or diminished ovarian reserve-DOR) IVF should be the primary treatment of choice.




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Zanetta F


I recently moved to Las Vegas after being in Japan for 2 years. I had an embryo transfer on the 15th of July but its looking to be a blighted ovum. I have a confirmatory ultrasound scheduled for Monday with my primary OB provider.

I’m a little lost on how to move forward. I have 3 embryos still in Japan with no stateside clinic and no stateside provider who can perform FET. I had a successful FET last year and wanted to continue growing my family. But my job has strict limitations on where I can go and how long I can be gone for. Do you have any suggestions on how I can proceed forward?


I recommend that you contact Dr Jeffrey Fisch in Henderson Nevada!


Geoff Sher





Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Kristin C

Hi Dr.sher,

As a follow up to my last question. Could you still do an FET if the lining thickens to a good size although the follicle is slow to develop/lack of ovulation. My lining is close to 7 mm despite having a small 10 mm follicle. Could I not transfer and supplement with progesterone since a thick lining is the most important?


In my opinion, the lining needs to be >8mm (at least) prior to ovulation and/or progesterone supplementation.

Geoff Sher

Name: Debbie R

Hi Dr. Sher,
I had a dating ultrasound last week on Tuesday and was measuring 5 w and 5 d and they did an hcg test with and my levels were 52819 H. Yesterday I had another ultrasound and measuring 6w and 2D with an hcg level of 55810 H. We saw a heart rate of 96 bpm. Should I be concerned of this pregnancy.


In my opinion there is reason for optimism!

I know of no medical announcement associated with the degree of emotional anticipation and anguish as that associated with a pending diagnosis/confirmation of pregnancy following infertility treatment. In fact, hardly a day goes by where I am not confronted by a patient anxiously seeking interpretation of a pregnancy test result.

Testing urine or blood for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is the most effective and reliable way to confirm conception. The former, is far less expensive than the latter and is the most common method used. It is also more convenient because it can be performed in the convenience of the home setting. However, urine hCG testing for pregnancy is not nearly as reliable or as sensitive e as is blood hCG testing. Blood testing can detect implantation several days earlier than can a urine test. Modern pregnancy urine test kits can detect hCG about 16-18 days following ovulation (or 2-3 days after having missed a menstrual period), while blood tests can detect hCG, 12-13 days post-ovulation (i.e. even prior to menstruation).

The ability to detect hCG in the blood as early as possible and thereupon to track its increase, is particularly valuable in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) with or without intrauterine insemination (IUI) or after IVF. The earlier hCG can be detected in the blood and its concentration measured, the sooner levels can be tracked serially over time and so provide valuable information about the effectiveness of implantation, and the potential viability of the developing conceptus.

There are a few important points that should be considered when it comes to measuring interpreting blood hCG levels. These include the following:

  • All modern day blood (and urine) hCG tests are highly specific in that they measure exclusively for hCG. There is in fact no cross-reactivity with other hormones such as estrogen, progesterone or LH.
  • Post conception hCG levels, measured 10 days post ovulation or egg retrieval can vary widely (ranging from 5mIU/ml to above 400mIU/ml. The level will double every 48–72 hours up to the 6th week of gestation whereupon the doubling rate starts to slow down to about 96 hours. An hCG level of 13,000-290, 0000 mIU/ml is reached by the end of the 1st trimester (12 weeks) whereupon it slowly declines to approximately 26,000– 300,000 mIU/ml by full term. Below are the average hCG levels during the first trimester:
    • 3 weeks LMP: 5 – 50 mIU/ml
    • 4 weeks LMP: 5 – 426 mIU/ml
    • 5 weeks LMP: 18 – 7,340 mIU/ml
    • 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 – 56,500 mIU/ml
    • 7 – 8 weeks LMP: 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/ml
    • 9 – 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 – 288,000 mIU/ml
  • A single hCG blood level is not sufficient to assess the viability of an implanting embryo. Caution should be used in making too much of an initial hCG level. This is because a normal pregnancy can start with relatively low hCG blood levels. It is the rate of the rise of the blood hCG level that is relevant.
  • In some cases the initially hCG level is within the normal range, but then fails to double in the ensuing 48-72hours. In some cases it might even plateau or decline, only to start doubling appropriately thereafter. When this happens, it could be due to:
    • A recovering implantation, destined to develop into a clinical gestation
    • A failing implantation (a chemical pregnancy)
    • A multiple pregnancy which is spontaneously reducing (i.e., one or more of the concepti is being lost) or,
    • An ectopic pregnancy which will either absorb spontaneously (a chemical-tubal gestation), or evolve into a full blown tubal pregnancy continue and declare itself through characteristic symptoms and signs of an intraperitoneal bleed.
  • The blood hCG test needs to be repeated at least once after 48h and in some cases it will need to be repeated one or more times (at 48h intervals) thereafter, to confirm that implantation is progressing normally.
  • Ultimately the diagnosis of a viable pregnancy requires confirmation of the presence of an intrauterine gestational sac by ultrasound examination. The earliest that this can be achieved is when the beta hCG level exceeds 1,000mIU/ml (i.e., around 5-6 weeks).
  • Most physicians prefer to defer the performance of a routine US diagnosis of pregnancy until closer to the 7th week. This is because by that time, cardiac activity should be clearly detectable, allowing for more reliable assessment of pregnancy viability.
  • There are cases where the blood beta hCG level is extraordinarily high or the rate of rise is well above the normal doubling rate. The commonest explanation is that more than one pregnancy has implanted. However in some cases it can point to a molar pregnancy
  • Finally, there on rare occasions, conditions unrelated to pregnancy can result in detectable hCG levels in blood and urine. They include ovarian tumors that produce hCG, such as certain types of cystic teratomas (dermoid cysts) and some ovarian cancers such as dysgerminomas.


Geoff Sher




Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\


Name: Kristin C

Hi Dr.Sher,
I am almost 40 and just did an egg retrieval on may. I have 5 euploids and 1 LLM. I also have pcos. I was hoping to do a modified natural cycle this month using 5mgs of letrozole. I have always responded well to letrozole on the past when I was doing timed intercourse. I’ve done 7 cycles in total using letrozole and ovidrel.

On day 10 all my follicles were between 7-9 mms and my lining was 6. Today, day 13 my biggest follicle is 10 mm and my lining is 6.7. I’m so discouraged. I have to go back in 3 days for a recheck. My cycles are fairly regular, between 30-32 days.

Do you think this mean I’m out this month? Could I try letrozole at 7.5 mgs next month? I’m trying to stay away from taking estrace. I also don’t want to take clomid due to ovarian cancer risks.


I am afraid it does not look good for this cycle.

Respectfully, I am not a fan of Letrozole used in “older” women.

The journey of in vitro fertilization can be a rollercoaster of emotions for many patients. Often times they have to face the harsh reality that the number and quality of eggs retrieved has fallen short of their expectations. Then, should fertilization of these eggs not propagate  chromosomally normal (euploid), “competent” embryos suitable for transfer to the uterus, many such patients find themselves in a state of emotional distress. They grapple with the inevitable questions of why this happened and how to prevent it from occurring again in the future. This article aims to delve into these queries, providing insights, rational explanations, and therapeutic options. It is an invitation to explore the light at the end of the tunnel. Readers are urged to carefully absorb the entirety of the article in the hope of finding valuable information and renewed hope.

  • The Importance of Chromosomal Integrity: While sperm quality is an important factor, egg quality is by far the most important when it comes to the generation of embryos that are capable of propagating healthy babies (“competent”). In this regard, chromosomal integrity of the egg and embryo, although it is not the only factor , is certainly the main determinant of such competency.
  • The woman’s age: About two thirds of a woman’s eggs in her twenties or early thirties have the correct number of chromosomes, which is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. As a woman gets older, the percentage of eggs with the right number of chromosomes decreases. By age 40, only about one in every 5-6 eggs is likely to be normal, and by the mid-forties, less than one in ten eggs will be normal.
  • Ovarian Reserve (number of available in the ovaries): A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. She starts using these eggs when she begins ovulating during puberty. At first, the eggs are used up quickly, but as she gets older, the number of eggs starts to run out. Her brain and pituitary gland try to stimulate the production of more eggs by increasing the output of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), but unfortunately, this often doesn’t work. When the number of remaining eggs in her ovaries falls below a certain level (which can be different for each woman), her FSH level rises, and production of the ovarian hormone, AMH decreases. This is the start of diminishing ovarian reserve (DOR). Most women experience the onset of DOR in their late 30s or early 40s, but it can happen earlier for some. The lower the ovarian reserve, the lower the AMH level will be, and the fewer eggs will be available for harvesting during IVF-egg retrieval. In such cases, a higher dosage of fertility drugs might be needed to promote better egg production in future attempts. . On the other hand, higher AMH levels mean more eggs are available, and lower doses of fertility drugs are usually needed. DOR is commonly associated with increased bioactivity of pituitary gland-produced LH. This LH activates production of ovarian male hormones (androgens)…predominantly testosterone by ovarian connective tissue (stroma) . While a small amount of  ovarian testosterone is absolutely necessary for optimal follicle and egg development, excessive ovarian testosterone will often access the follicle , and compromise both egg quality and follicle growth and development. In some cases, rapidly increasing  LH-release (“premature LH-surge”) with excessive induced ovarian testosterone can lead to “premature luteinization”  of the follicles with cessation in growth and even to“ premature ovulation”.
  • Importance of Individualized Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Protocol: It’s not surprising that DOR is more common in older women, but regardless of age, having DOR makes a woman’s eggs more likely to be compromised during controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). The choice of the COS protocol is crucial to preventing unintentional harm to egg and embryo quality. The wrong protocol can disrupt normal egg development and increase the risk of abnormal embryos. That’s why it’s important to tailor the COS protocol to each individual’s needs. This helps optimize follicle growth and the quality of eggs and embryos. The timing of certain treatments is also important for successful outcomes.
  • Embryo Competency and Blastocyst Development: Embryos that don’t develop into blastocysts by day 6 after fertilization are usually chromosomally abnormal or aneuploid (”incompetent”) and not suitable for transfer. However, not all blastocysts are guaranteed to be normal and capable of developing into a healthy baby. As a woman gets older, the chances of a her embryos being chromosomally normal blastocyst decreases. For example, a blastocyst from a 30-year-old woman is more likely to be normal compared to one from a 40-year-old woman.

The IVF stimulation protocol has a big impact on the quality of eggs and embryos especially in women with DOR. Unfortunately, many IVF doctors use the same COS “recipe approach” for everyone without considering individual differences. Using personalized protocols can greatly improve the success of IVF. While we can’t change genetics or reverse a woman’s age, a skilled IVF specialist can customize the COS protocol to meet each patient’s specific needs.


  • Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa). Examples are Lupron, Buserelin, Superfact, and Decapeptyl . These are commonly used to launch  ovarian stimulation cycles. They work by initially causing a release of pituitary gonadotropins, followed by a decrease in LH and FSH levels within 4-7 days. This creates a relatively low LH environment when COS begins, which is generally beneficial for egg development. However, if GnRHa are administered starting concomitant with gonadotropin stimulation (see GnRHa –“flare protocol” -below) it can cause an immediate surge in LH release, potentially leading to high levels of ovarian testosterone that can harm egg quality, especially in older women and those with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR).
  • Gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonists (GnRH-antagonists) : Examples are Ganirelix, Cetrotide, and Orgalutron. GnRH antagonists (take days work quickly (within hours) to block pituitary LH release. Their purpose is to prevent excessive LH release during COS. In contrast, the LH-lowering effect of GnRH agonists takes several days to develop. Traditionally, GnRH antagonists are given starting on the 5th-7th day of gonadotropin stimulation. However, in older women and those with DOR, suppressing LH might happen too late to prevent excessive ovarian androgen production that can negatively impact egg development in the early stages of stimulation. That’s why I prefer to administer GnRH-antagonists right from the beginning of gonadotropin administration.



Patients are often told that using birth control pills (BCP) to begin ovarian stimulation will suppress the response of the ovaries. This is true, but only if the BCP is not used correctly. Here’s the explanation:

In natural menstrual cycles and cycles stimulated with fertility drugs, the follicles in the ovaries need to develop receptors that respond to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in order to properly respond to FSH stimulation. Pre-antral follicles (PAFs) do not have these receptors and cannot respond to FSH stimulation. The development of FSH responsivity requires exposure of the pre-antral follicles to FSH for several days, during which they become antral follicles (AFs) and gain the ability to respond to FSH-gonadotropin stimulation. In regular menstrual cycles, the rising FSH levels naturally convert PAFs to AFs. However, the combined BCP suppresses FSH. To counter this suppression, we need to promote increased  FSH production several days before starting COS. This allows the orderly conversion from PAFs to AFs, ensuring proper follicle and egg development.

GnRHa causes an immediate surge in FSH release by the pituitary gland, promoting the conversion from PAF to AF. Therefore, when women take the BCP control pill to launch a cycle of COS, they need to overlap the BCP with a GnRHa for a few days before menstruation. This allows the early recruited PAFs to complete their development and reach the AF stage, so they can respond appropriately to ovarian stimulation. By adjusting the length of time, the woman is on the birth control pill, we can regulate and control the timing of the IVF treatment cycle. Without this step, initiating ovarian stimulation in women coming off birth control pills would be suboptimal.


  • GnRH Agonist Ovarian Stimulation Protocols:
    • The long GnRHa protocol: Here, a GnRHa (usually Lupron or Superfact) is given either in a natural cycle, starting 5-7 days before menstruation, overlapping with the BCP for three days. Thereupon, the pill is stopped, while daily  GnRHa injections continue until menstruation occurs (usually 5-7 days later). The GnRHa causes a rapid rise in FSH and LH levels. This is followed about 3-4 days later , by a progressive decline in FSH and LH to near zero levels,  with a concomitant drop in ovarian estradiol and progesterone. This, in turn triggers uterine withdrawal bleeding (menstruation) within 5-7 days of starting the GnRHa administration. Gonadotropin treatment is then initiated while daily GnRHa injections continue to maintain a relatively low LH environment. Gonadotropin administration continues until the hCG “trigger” (see below).
    • Short GnRH-Agonist (“Flare”) Protocol: This protocol involves starting hormone therapy and using GnRH agonist at the same time. The goal is to boost FSH so that with concomitant stimulation with FSH-gonadotropins + the GnRHa-induced surge in pituitary gland FSH release, will augment follicle development. However, this surge also leads to a rise in LH levels, which can cause an excessive production of ovarian male hormones (e.g., testosterone). This could potentially adversely affect the quality of eggs, especially in women over 39 years old, those with low ovarian reserve, and women with PCOS or DOR who already have increased LH sensitivity. In this way, these “flare protocols” can potentially decrease the success rates of IVF. While they are generally safe for younger women with normal ovarian reserve, I personally avoid using this approach on the off chance that even patients with normal ovarian reserve, might experience poor egg quality.
  • GnRH Antagonist-Ovarian Stimulation Protocols:
    • Conventional GnRH Antagonist Protocol: In this approach, daily GnRH antagonist injections are given from the 5th to the 8th day of COS with gonadotropins to the day of the “trigger” (see below). Accordingly, although rapidly acting to lower LH , this effect of GnRH- antagonist only starts suppressing LH from well into the COS cycle which means the ovarian follicles are left exposed and unshielded from pituitary gland -produced, (endogenous) LH during the first several days of stimulation. This can be harmful, especially in the early stage of COS when eggs and follicles are most vulnerable to the effects of over-produced LH-induced excessive ovarian testosterone. Therefore, I believe the Conventional GnRH Antagonist Protocol is not ideal for older women, those with low ovarian reserve, and women with PCOS who already have elevated LH activity. However, this protocol is acceptable for younger women with normal ovarian reserve, although I personally avoid using this approach on the off chance that even patients with normal ovarian reserve, might experience poor egg quality.

It’s important to note that the main reason for using GnRH antagonists is to prevent a premature LH surge, which is associated with poor egg and embryo quality due to follicular exhaustion. However, calling it a “premature LH surge” is misleading because it actually represents the culmination of a progressive increase in LH-induced ovarian testosterone. A better term would be “premature luteinization”. In some such cases, the rise in LH can precipitate “premature ovulation”.


  • Agonist/Antagonist Conversion Protocol (A/ACP): I recommend this protocol for many of my patients, especially for older women and those with DOR or PCOS. The woman starts by taking a BCP for 7-10 days. This overlapped with a GnRHa for 3 days and continued until menstruation ensues about 5-7 days later. At this point  she “converts” from the GnRH-agonist to a GnRH-antagonist (Ganirelix, Orgalutron, or Cetrotide). A few days after this conversion from agonist to antagonist, COS with  gonadotropin stimulation starts. Both the antagonist and the gonadotropins are continued together until the hCG trigger. The purpose is to suppress endogenous LH release throughout the COS process and so  avoid over-exposure of follicles and eggs to LH-induced  excessive ovarian testosterone which as previously stated, can compromise egg and follicle growth and development.   Excessive ovarian testosterone can also adversely affect estrogen-induced growth of the uterine lining (endometrium). Unlike GnRH-agonists, antagonists do not suppress ovarian response to the gonadotropin stimulation. This is why the A/ACP is well-suited for older women and those with diminished ovarian reserve.
  • A/ACP with estrogen priming: This is a modified version of the A/ACP protocol used for women with very low ovarian reserve (AMH=<0.2ng/ml). Estrogen priming is believed to enhance the response of follicles to gonadotropins. Patients start their treatment cycle by taking a combined birth control pill (BCP) for 7-10 days. After that, they overlap daily administration of a GnRH agonist with the BCP for 3 days. The BCP is then stopped, and the daily agonist continues until menstruation ensues (usually 5-7 days later). At this point, the GnRH agonist is supplanted by daily injections of  GnRH antagonist and  Estradiol (E2) “priming” begins using E2 skin patches or intramuscular estradiol valerate injections twice weekly, while continuing the GnRH antagonist. Seven days after starting the estrogen priming COS begins using recombinant FSHr such as Follistim, Gonal-F or Puregon) +menotropin (e.g., Menopur) . The estrogen “priming” continues to the day of the “trigger” (see below).  Egg retrieval is performed 36 hours after the trigger.

Younger women (under 30 years) and women with absent, irregular, or dysfunctional ovulation, as well as those with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), are at risk of developing a severe condition called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), which can be life-threatening. To predict this condition, accurate daily blood E2 level monitoring is required.



  • The hCG “trigger”: When it comes to helping eggs mature before retrieval, one of the important decisions the doctor needs to make is choosing the “trigger shot” to facilitate the process. Traditionally, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is derived from the urine of pregnant women (hCGu) while a newer recombinant hCG (hCGr), Ovidrel was recently The ideal dosage of hCGu is 10,000U and for Ovidrel, the recommended dosage is 500mcg. Both have the same efficacy. The “trigger” is usually administered by intramuscular injection, 34-36 hours prior to egg retrieval.

Some doctors may choose to lower the dosage of hCG if there is a risk of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). However, I believe that a low dose of hCG (e.g., 5000 units of hCGu or 250 mcg of hCGr ( Ovidrel) might not be enough to optimize egg maturation, especially when there are many follicles. Instead, I suggest using a method called “prolonged coasting” to reduce the risk of OHSS.

  • Using GnRH antagonist alone or combined with hCG as the trigger: Some doctors may prefer to use a GnRH- agonist trigger instead of hCG to reduce the risk of OHSS. The GnRHa “trigger” acts by inducing a “surge of pituitary gland-LH. However, it is difficult to predict the amount of LH that is released in response to a standard agonist trigger. In my opinion, using hCG is a better choice, even in cases of ovarian hyperstimulation, with the condition that “prolonged coasting” is implemented beforehand.
  • Combined use of hCG + GnRH agonist: This approach is better than using a GnRH agonist alone but still not as effective as using the appropriate dosage of hCG.
  • Timing of the trigger: The trigger shot should be given when the majority of ovarian follicles have reached a size of more than 15 mm, with several follicles measuring 18-22 mm. Follicles larger than 22 mm often contain overdeveloped eggs, while follicles smaller than 15 mm usually have underdeveloped and potentially abnormal eggs.


OHSS is a life-threatening condition that can occur during controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) when the blood E2 (estradiol) level rises too high. It is more common in young women with high ovarian reserve, women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and young women who do not ovulate spontaneously. To prevent OHSS, some doctors may trigger egg maturation earlier, use a lower dosage of hCG, or “trigger” using a GnRHa. However, these approaches can compromise egg and embryo quality and reduce the chances of success.

To protect against the risk of OHSS while optimizing egg quality, Physicians can use one of two options. The first is “prolonged coasting,” a procedure I introduced more than three decades ago. It involves stopping gonadotropin therapy while continuing to administer the GnRHa until the risk of OHSS has decreased. The precise timing of “prolonged coasting” is critical. It should be initiated when follicles have reached a specific size accompanied and the  blood estradiol has reached a certain peak.  The second option is to avoid fresh embryo transfer and freeze all “competent” embryos for later frozen embryo transfers (FETs) at a time when the risk of OHSS has subsided. By implementing these strategies, both egg/embryo quality and maternal well-being can be maximized.


In the journey of fertility, a woman is blessed with a limited number of eggs, like precious treasures awaiting their time. As she blossoms into womanhood, these eggs are gradually used, and the reserves start to fade. Yet, the power of hope and science intertwines, as we strive to support the development of these eggs through personalized treatment. We recognize that each woman is unique, and tailoring the protocol to her individual needs can unlock the path to success. We embrace the delicate timing, understanding that not all embryos are destined for greatness. With age, the odds may shift, but our dedication remains steadfast, along with our ultimate objective, which is  to do everything possible to propagate  of a normal pregnancy while optimizing the  quality of that life after birth and all times, minimizing risk to the prospective parents.


Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\



Name: Kim D


I am currently 18 weeks pregnant following a fresh IVF transfer.

Would you advise that I stay on lovenox 0.4 during the whole pregnancy since I have the following genetic mutations?
– homogenous MTHFR 677CT
– heterozygous PAI 4G/5G

Also would it be advised that I take a low dose of progesterone throughout the pregnancy?

I do not have recurrent miscarriage but it took me 6 years in total to get a continuing pregnancy. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 9 weeks (following IVF but I wasn’t on any medication), 3.5 years ago. After that we had a lot of failed transfers before our successful transfer.


Yes! You will need Lovenox throughout pregnancy and until the 6th week post-delivery.

Respectfully, I am not pro-using progesterone throughout pregnancy.

Thrombophilia (Hereditary Clotting Defect) is defined as the genetic predisposition to developing intravascular thrombosis. It is due to hypercoagulability of blood leading to impairment of initial vascularization that takes place during implantation.

Thrombophilia affects as many as one in five people in the United States and is responsible for pregnancy loss (most particularly after the 1st trimester) and “unexplained” infertility, as well as being a factor in some cases of “unexplained” IVF failure. Whether (and/or the extent to which) thrombophilia causes 1st trimester recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is the subject of debate and is controversial. In fact, first-trimester RPL is far more likely to be due to immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID) and/or irregularities in the contour of the uterine cavity or insufficient thickness of its lining (a thin endometrium). Thrombophilia has also been associated with late pregnancy-induced complications such as preeclampsia, premature separation of the placenta (abruptio placenta), placental insufficiency with intrauterine growth retardation, and in “unexplained” intrauterine death.

This having been said, it is a fact that most women with a thrombophilia go on to experience healthy pregnancies.

Diagnosis of Throbophilia

Thrombophilia is diagnosed when one or more of the following is detected:

  • Mutational defect involving methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), which occurs in at least 20% of affected cases. Homozygosity for a common C677T mutation in the MTHFR gene that is associated with hyperhomocysteinemia is the most common form of hereditary thrombophilia leading to a 3-fold increase in risk of complications.
  • Mutation of factor V Leiden (FVL),
  • A mutation of prothrombin G20210A,
  • Deficiency of antithrombin III
  • Deficiency of protein C
  • Deficiency of protein S

Risk Factors

  • Pregnant women with predisposing factors such as:
  • A personal or family history of thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis), pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung), cerebrovascular accidents (i.e. strokes)
  • A personal history of pregnancy complications such as unexplained intrauterine death, preeclampsia, abruptio placenta, intrauterine growth retardation, placental insufficiency, should be tested for the condition.


Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after pregnancy is diagnosed biochemically (blood or urine hCG test) and be continued throughout gestation.

Severe thrombophilias (e.g. homozygous MTHFR mutations, protein C deficiency, prothrombin G20210A mutation) as well as cases of mild thrombophilias associated  with one or more of the pregnancy complications mentioned above, are best treated with low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) taken throughout pregnancy.

For other (milder) thrombophilias and no history of prior pregnancy complications: Low-dose aspirin with the B vitamins folic acid, B6 and B12.


Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\



Name: Cassidy O

Hi Dr Sher, apologies to bother you again, your insights are so helpful and I’m worried this IVF round isn’t going to work! It’s a Euploid embryo being transferred that I don’t want to wast. We’re doing a modified natural cycle (as mentioned in my previous message).. and instead of triggering the day dominant follicle was 20mm.. we waited a day, so a day later on day 11.. so not before the LH surge, but close to it, if not on it.. We’ll be transferring in 7 days time (from trigger) and will be starting progesterone support in 24 hours time.. I’m worried the timing will be out because we triggered one day late.. would you recommend we cancel? Many thanks in advance! Best wishes, Cassidy


No! It sounds as if the timing will still be OK!


Good luck!


Geoff Sher