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Our Medical Directors are outstanding physicians that you will find to be very personable and compassionate, who take care to ensure that you have the most cutting-edge fertility treatments at your disposal. This is your outlet to ask your questions to the doctors.

  • Dear Patients,

    I created this forum to welcome any questions you have on the topic of infertility, IVF, conception, testing, evaluation, or any related topics. I do my best to answer all questions in less than 24 hours. I know your question is important and, in many cases, I will answer within just a few hours. Thank you for taking the time to trust me with your concern.

    – Geoffrey Sher, MD

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prednisone & prograf

Name: Bree m


What are your thoughts about using prednisone and/or prograv for a FET with donor eggs?



In my opinion, the use of low dosage oral steroids is potentially beneficial for the vast majority of embryo transfers as it modulates immune=receptivity of the uterine lining.


Geoff She

Ivf recommendation

Name: Alicia A

Good afternoon, I am emailing you because I recently had a failed frozen embryo thaw on the day of my transfer and would like your opinion on what questions to ask in my follow up. A little background about myself. I started ivf at age 41 and will be turning 44 in a month. I was able to bank 3 genetically tested embryos. They were pga tested. The first day 5 5bb did not implant. Today, I was scheduled for my second transfer of my day 6 5bb embryo. I received a phone call from the doctor that not only did my 6 5bb not survive the thaw but my third and last embryo also a 6 day 5bb also did not survive. So I lost two embryos today do to not surviving the thaw. I have a follow up with my doctor on Monday and would like assistance on what follow up question I should ask regarding the my embryos. I’ve spent a lot of money and time on ivf and I would like to do another cycle. I will be turning 44 and I know my chances are slim. In the past I have always done pgta testing but it took me 5 cycles to get 3 “supposed” normal. Do you recommend I advocate for a fresh transfer since I am no older? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.



It is not common for consecutive euploid embryos both not to survive the thaw…but it can happen. I suggest that you inquire from your RE how commonly this type of thing happens in their clinic. The common cause is technical.


Geoff Sher

Tener hijos

Name: Reyes S

Y como funciona en esto



Please repost in English!


Geoff Sher


Name: mariannys e

quisiera donar mis avulos



Please re-post in English!


Geoff Sher

Water in lining FET

Name: Ana K

Looking for baby#2. After Csection we try to use same protocol. I use to reach 10-14 in lining very fast. No issues for transfer. Now is been
5FET cycles cancel so far. Endometritis detected on the beginning. Lots of antibiotics. No ovaries. No fallopian tubes. Hsg done. No itsmos.
Estrace pill 8 mg a day. Low thickness 6.9, 5.9, 6.4 its being detected with water (mocus) in lining by 2nd and 3rd check up.
This last cycle start low dosis of estrace, 4 mg a day increased slowly Use mucinex DM drain the mucus in 3 days but came back when I started taking 8 mg again. Lining stop growth. Doctors seems lost. Any suggestions ?



WE should talk. I think I can be of help here. Please call my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 and set up an online consultation with me to discuss.


Back in 1989, I conducted a study that examined how the thickness of a woman’s uterine lining, known as the endometrium, affected the successful implantation of embryos in IVF patients. The study revealed that when the uterine lining measured less than 8mm in thickness by the day of the “hCG trigger” in fresh IVF cycles, or at the start of progesterone therapy in embryo recipient cycles (such as frozen embryo transfers or egg donation IVF), the chances of pregnancy and birth were significantly improved. In my opinion, an ideal estrogen-promoted endometrial lining should measure at least 9mm in thickness, while a lining of 8-9mm is considered “intermediate.” In most cases, an estrogenic lining of less than 8mm is unlikely to result in a viable pregnancy.

A “poor” uterine lining typically occurs when the innermost layer of the endometrium, called the basal or germinal endometrium, fails to respond to estrogen and cannot develop a thick enough outer “functional” layer to support optimal embryo implantation and placenta development. The “functional” layer makes up two-thirds of the total endometrial thickness and is the layer that sheds during menstruation if no pregnancy occurs.

The main causes of a “poor” uterine lining include:

  1. Damage to the basal endometrium due to:
    • Inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis) often resulting from retained products of conception after abortion, miscarriage, or birth.
    • Surgical trauma caused by aggressive uterine scraping during procedures like D&C.
  1. Insensitivity of the basal endometrium to estrogen due to:
    • Prolonged or excessive use of clomiphene citrate.
    • Prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), a drug given to pregnant women in the 1960s to prevent miscarriage.
  1. Overexposure of the uterine lining to ovarian male hormones, mainly testosterone, which can occur in older women, women with diminished ovarian reserve, and women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who have increased LH biological activity. This hormonal imbalance leads to the overproduction of testosterone in the ovary’s connective tissue, further exacerbated by certain ovarian stimulation methods used in IVF.
  2. Reduced blood flow to the basal endometrium, often caused by:
    • Multiple uterine fibroids, especially those located beneath the endometrium (submucosal).
    • Uterine adenomyosis, an abnormal invasion of endometrial glands into the uterine muscle.

“The Viagra Connection”

Eighteen years ago, I reported on the successful use of vaginal Sildenafil (Viagra) in treating women with implantation dysfunction caused by thin endometrial linings. This breakthrough led to the birth of the world’s first “Viagra baby.” Since then, thousands of women with thin uterine linings have been treated with Viagra, and many have gone on to have babies after multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts.

Viagra gained popularity in the 1990s as an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction. Inspired by its mechanism of action, which increases penile blood flow through enhanced nitric oxide activity, I investigated whether vaginal administration of Viagra could improve uterine blood flow, deliver more estrogen to the basal endometrium, and promote endometrial thickening. Our findings confirmed that vaginal Viagra achieved these effects, while oral administration did not provide significant benefits. To facilitate treatment, we collaborated with a compound pharmacy to produce vaginal Viagra suppositories.

In our initial trial, four women with a history of poor endometrial development and failed conception underwent IVF treatment combined with vaginal Viagra therapy. The Viagra suppositories were administered four times daily for 8-11 days and stopped 5-7 days before embryo transfer. This treatment resulted in a rapid and significant improvement in uterine blood flow, leading to enhanced endometrial development in all four cases. Three of these women subsequently conceived. In 2002, I expanded the trial to include 105 women with repeated IVF failure due to persistently thin endometrial linings. About 70% of these women responded positively to Viagra therapy, with a notable increase in endometrial thickness. Forty-five percent achieved live births after a single cycle of IVF with Viagra treatment, and the miscarriage rate was only 9%. Women who did not show improvement in endometrial thickness following Viagra treatment did not achieve viable pregnancies.

When administered vaginally, Viagra is quickly absorbed and reaches the uterine blood system in high concentrations. It then dilutes as it enters the systemic circulation, explaining why treatment is virtually free from systemic side effects.

It is important to note that Viagra may not improve endometrial thickness in all cases. Approximately 30-40% of women treated may not experience any improvement. In severe cases of thin uterine linings where the basal endometrium has been permanently damaged and becomes unresponsive to estrogen, Viagra treatment is unlikely to be effective. This can occur due to conditions such as post-pregnancy endometritis, chronic inflammation resulting from uterine tuberculosis (rare in the United States), or extensive surgical damage to the basal endometrium.

In my practice, I sometimes recommend combining vaginal Viagra administration with oral Terbutaline (5mg). Viagra relaxes the muscle walls of uterine spiral arteries, while terbutaline relaxes the uterine muscle itself. The combination of these medications synergistically enhances blood flow through the uterus, improving estrogen delivery to the endometrial lining. However, it’s important to monitor potential side effects of Terbutaline such as agitation, tremors, and palpitations. Women with cardiac disease or irregular heartbeat should not use Terbutaline.

Approximately 75% of women with thin uterine linings respond positively to treatment within 2-3 days. Those who do not respond well often have severe inner ( (basal) endometrial lining damage, where improved uterine blood flow cannot stimulate a positive response. Such cases are commonly associated with previous pregnancy-related endometrial inflammation, occurring after abortions, infected vaginal deliveries, or

Viagra therapy has been a game-changer for thousands of women with thin uterine linings, allowing them to successfully overcome infertility and build their families.



Herewith are  online links to 2  E-books recently  co-authored with  my partner at SFS-NY  (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:

  1. From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ;


  1. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;


I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”,  “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE;

If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at\




Name: Shakema M

Im answering the add that says ivf no cost



Sorry! I have no knowledge of this!


Geoff Sher

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