I am wondering if there is an age limit for IVF? I am 49, I will be 50 in July. Also my 19 yr old daughter wants to donate her eggs to me. Is this allowed? Thank you.
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I created this forum to welcome any questions you have on the topic of infertility, IVF, conception, testing, evaluation, or any related topics. I do my best to answer all questions in less than 24 hours. I know your question is important and, in many cases, I will answer within just a few hours. Thank you for taking the time to trust me with your concern.– Geoffrey Sher, MD
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Name: Jennifer B
I am wondering if there is an age limit for IVF? I am 49, I will be 50 in July. Also my 19 yr old daughter wants to donate her eggs to me. Is this allowed? Thank you.
Absolutely, you could have your daughter donate eggs to you. I have done this on several occasions in the past.
Egg donation is when a woman donates her eggs for assisted reproduction or research purposes. In assisted reproduction, it usually involves using IVF technology, where the eggs are fertilized in a lab. Unfertilized eggs can also be frozen for future use. Egg donation is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) involving a third party.
For women who can’t get pregnant with their own eggs due to disease or low ovarian reserve, egg donation offers a realistic chance of becoming parents. It has clear benefits. First, young donors often provide more eggs than needed for a single IVF cycle, resulting in extra embryos that can be frozen for later use. Second, eggs from young donors are much less likely to have chromosomal abnormalities, reducing the risk of miscarriage and birth defects like Down’s syndrome.
Around 10%-15% of IVF procedures in the United States involve egg donation, mostly for older women with diminished ovarian reserve or for menopausal women. A much smaller percentage are performed on younger women who have premature ovarian failure or repeated IVF failures with low-quality eggs or embryos. Another rapidly emerging reason for egg donation is same-sex couples, mainly female, who want to share the experience of parenting, with one partner providing the eggs and the other receiving them.
Most egg donation in the U.S. is done through licensed egg donor agencies or frozen egg banks, where anonymous donors are recruited. Sometimes recipients seek known donors through an agency, but this is less common and often done through private arrangements. Close family members are often approached as donors. Recipients may want to know or meet their egg donor to become familiar with their physical traits, intellect, and character, but anonymous donors are more common in the U.S. Recipients using anonymous donors are usually more open about the child’s conception when disclosing to family and friends.
Donor agencies and Egg Banks provide detailed profiles and information about each donor for recipients to choose from. The recipient interacts with the egg donor program or Egg Bank in-person, over the phone, or online. After narrowing down choices, the recipient shares medical records with their IVF physician for consultation and examination. The process is facilitated by nurse coordinators who address all clinical, financial, and logistical aspects. Donor selection and matching are completed during this time.
Egg donor agencies and egg banks typically prefer donors under 35 years old with normal ovarian reserve to minimize risks. Having a history of successful pregnancies or live births gives confidence in the donor’s reproductive potential. However, due to the shortage of donors, strict criteria like previous successful pregnancies cannot always be met.
Sometimes donors may blame infertility on complications from the egg retrieval process, leading to legal actions. Evidence of trouble-free pregnancies provides comfort to the egg donor program when selecting a donor.
Screening Egg Donors
Genetic Screening: Many egg donor programs now use genetic screening panels to test for various genetic disorders. They follow the recommendations of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and screen prospective donors for a host ( a panel) of conditions such as sickle cell trait or disease, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, and Tay Sachs disease. About 90% of programs offer consultation with a geneticist.
Psychological/Emotional Screening: Recipient couples value compatibility with their chosen egg donor in terms of emotions, physicality, ethnicity, culture, and religion. Psychological screening is important in the United States. Since most donors are anonymous, it’s essential for the donor agency or IVF program to assess the donor’s commitment and motivation for providing this service. Some donors may not cope with the stress and stop their stimulation medication without informing anyone, causing the cycle to be canceled.
Donor motivation and commitment need to be assessed carefully. Recipients in the U.S. often consider the “character” of the prospective egg donor as significant, believing that flaws in character may be genetically passed on. However, character flaws are usually influenced by environmental factors and unlikely to be genetically transmitted.
Donors should undergo counseling, screening, and selective testing by a qualified psychologist. If needed, they should be referred to a psychiatrist for further evaluation. Tests like the MMPI, Meyers-Briggs, and NEO-Personality Indicator may be used to assess personality disorders. If significant abnormalities are found, the prospective donor should be automatically disqualified.
When choosing a known egg donor, it’s important to ensure that she is not coerced into participating. Recipients considering a close friend or family member as a donor should be aware that the donor may become a permanent and unwanted participant in their new family’s life.
Drug Screening: Due to the prevalence of substance abuse, we selectively perform urine and/or serum drug testing on our egg donors.
Screening for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): FDA and ASRM guidelines recommend testing all egg donors for STDs before starting IVF. While it’s highly unlikely for DNA and RNA viruses to be transmitted to an egg or embryo through sexual intercourse or IVF, women infected with viruses like hepatitis B, C, HTLV, HIV, etc., must be disqualified from participating in IVF with egg donation due to the remote possibility of transmission and potential legal consequences.
Prior or existing infections with Chlamydia or Gonococcus suggest the possibility of pelvic adhesions or irreparably damaged fallopian tubes, which can cause infertility. If such infertility is later attributed to the egg retrieval process, it can lead to litigation. Even if an egg donor or recipient agrees to waive legal rights, there is still a potential risk of the offspring suing for wrongful birth later in life.
Screening Embryo Recipients
Medical Evaluation: Before starting infertility treatment, it’s important to assess a woman’s ability to safely carry a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. This involves a thorough evaluation of cardiovascular, hepatorenal, metabolic, and reproductive health.
Infectious Screening: It is crucial to screen embryo recipients for infectious diseases. If the cervix is infected, introducing an embryo transfer catheter can transmit the infection to the sterile uterine cavity, leading to implantation failure or miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.
Immunologic Screening: Some autoimmune and alloimmune disorders can affect the success of implantation. To prevent treatment failure, it is advisable to evaluate the recipient for immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID) and in some cases, test both the recipient and sperm provider for alloimmune similarities that could affect implantation.
Disclosure and Consent: Full disclosure about the egg donation process, including medical and psychological risks, is necessary. Sufficient time should be dedicated to addressing questions and concerns from all parties involved.
It’s important for all parties to seek independent legal advice to avoid conflicts of interest. Consent forms are reviewed and signed by the donor and recipient independently.
Types of Egg Donation
Conventional Egg Donation: This is the standard process for egg donor IVF. The menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient are synchronized using birth control pills. Both parties undergo fertility drug stimulation, allowing for precise timing of fresh embryo transfer. The success rate for pregnancy through this method is over 50% per cycle.
Donor Egg Bank: In this approach, eggs from young donors are frozen and stored for later use in IVF and embryo transfer. Frozen egg banks offer access to non-genetically tested eggs. While it provides convenience, there are minimal financial benefits.
Through an electronic catalogue, recipients can select and purchase 1-5 frozen eggs. These eggs are fertilized through intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and up to 2 embryos are selectively transferred, resulting in a 30-40% pregnancy rate without the risk of multiple pregnancies. This method reduces the cost, inconvenience, and risks associated with conventional fresh egg donor cycles. It is important for the recipient couple to be made aware that frozen eggs are slightly less likely to result in viable embryos as compared to fresh eggs and that the pregnancy rate using frozen eggs is also somewhat lower.
Preimplantation Genetic Screening/Testing for Aneuploidy (PGS/PGT):
The use of PGS/PGT to select embryos for transfer in IVF with egg donation is a topic of debate. Since most egg donors are under 35 years old, about 60-70% of embryos created from their eggs will likely have the correct number of chromosomes (euploid). This means that transferring up to two “untested” embryos from these donors should result in similar pregnancy rates compared to using PGS/PGT for embryo selection. However, it may in the future, become possible and practical to perform PGS/PGT on eggs for selective banking in the future. This could lead to improved success rates using banked eggs that have been tested for chromosomal abnormalities.
Egg Donation with Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET): Advances in embryo cryopreservation technology have made FET cycles a preferred method for many fertility specialists and patients. Whether or not embryos have undergone PGS/PGT testing, they are frozen as blastocysts and transferred in a subsequent FET cycle. This approach is more convenient, less complicated logistically, and can significantly improve the chances of successful pregnancy.
Financial Considerations in the United States:
The cost of an egg donor cycle involves various expenses. The average fee paid to the egg donor agency per cycle is typically between $2,000 – $8,000. Additional costs include psychological and clinical pre-testing, fertility drugs, and donor insurance, which range from $3,000 to $6,000. The medical services for the IVF treatment cycle can cost between $8,000 and $14,000. The donor stipend can vary widely, ranging from $5,000 to as high as $50,000, depending on the specific requirements of the recipient couple and supply-demand factors. Consequently, the total out-of-pocket expenses for an egg donor cycle in the United States ranges from $15,000 to $78,000, making it financially challenging for most couples in need of this service.
To address the growing gap between the need for affordable IVF with egg donation, various creative approaches have emerged. Here are a few examples:
- Egg Banking: As mentioned earlier, egg banking is a method where eggs are preserved and stored for future use.
- Egg Donor Sharing: This approach involves splitting the cost between two recipients, who then share the eggs for transfer or freezing. However, the downside is that there may be fewer eggs available for each recipient.
- Egg Bartering: In this scenario, a woman undergoing IVF can exchange some of her eggs with the clinic in return for a reduction in her IVF fee. This arrangement can be problematic because if the woman donating her eggs fails to conceive while the recipient does, it may cause emotional distress and potential complications in the future.
- Financial Risk Sharing: Some IVF programs offer a refund of fees if the egg donation is unsuccessful. This option is preferred by many recipient couples as it helps to spread the financial risk between the providers and the couple.
Moral, Legal, and Ethical Considerations:
In most States in the USA, the “Uniform Parentage Act” protects the recipient couple from legal disputes relating to parental claims by the donor. This “act” which states that the woman who gives birth to the child is legally recognized as the mother has generally prevented legal disputes over maternal custody in cases of IVF with egg donation. While a few states have less clear laws on this matter, there have been no major legal challenges so far.
The moral, ethical, and religious implications of egg donation vary and greatly influence the cultural acceptance of this process. In the United States, the prevailing attitude is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should have their views respected as long as they don’t infringe on the rights of others.
Looking ahead, there are important questions to consider. Should we cryopreserve and store eggs or ovarian tissue from a young woman who wishes to delay having children? Would it be acceptable for a woman to give birth to her own sister or aunt using these stored eggs? Should we store ovarian tissue across generations? Additionally, should egg donation primarily be used for stem cell research or as a source of spare body parts? If we decide to pursue these avenues, how do we ensure proper checks and balances? Are we willing to go down a slippery slope where the dignity of human embryos is disregarded, and the rights of human beings are compromised? Personally, I hope not.
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\
Name: Michelle S
Hello. My husband and I live in TN but are considering adopting some embryos stored at your facility. What is your cost for ivf transfer of those embryos if we decide to come to New York and have the transfer done there rather than transporting the embryos here.
Thank you for your time!
Please call Jessica at Sher Fertility Solutions (866-747-6692) for this information.
Geoff Sher
47 years old
Name: Mackenzie S
I’m turning 47 years old and my AMH is 0.9. My periods are regular (every 28 days) and I am healthy. I have two biological children that I carried. I know you recommended using donor eggs but I have heard of women getting pregnant naturally at my age and I would like to try with my own eggs. I realize it’s rare, but it has happened and I am sure with a bit of fertility help or drugs I could become pregnant? I am wondering what protocol would you try in my case for IUI? Thank you very much.
Age should never be a barrier to hope and fulfillment when it comes to IVF. Many women in their early to mid-40s are successfully having IVF babies using their own eggs, especially if they have a good number of eggs left in their ovaries. However, for women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) or those over the age of 44, where the chances of success with their own eggs are low, IVF with egg donation can be a highly successful and safe option. Let’s explore why age affects IVF outcomes and discover the possibilities that lie ahead.
The egg plays a crucial role in determining the quality of the embryo, with a “competent” egg having the best chance of developing into a healthy baby. As women age, the chances of having eggs with an irregular number of chromosomes (aneuploid) increase significantly. Fertilizing an aneuploid egg will result in an embryo with an abnormal number of chromosomes, making it unable to develop into a healthy baby.
Chromosomal abnormalities are the main cause of failed implantation, pregnancy losses, and birth defects. As women get older, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos rises, leading to lower IVF success rates. Additionally, older women may experience hormonal imbalances that further affect egg quality and development. However, personalized stimulation protocols can help protect egg quality and improve IVF outcomes by regulating hormone production and activity.
When it comes to IVF in older women, selecting the right ovarian stimulation protocol is crucial. Various protocols are available, each tailored to meet individual needs. However, certain protocols should be avoided for older women or those with DOR to optimize chances of success.
I selectively use a variety of ovarian stimulation protocols for ovarian stimulation/IVF in older women and those with DOR :
- The conventional long pituitary down-regulation protocol: This involves administering a GnRH agonist like Lupron or Buserelin for a few days prior to initiating ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins. Then, a combination of FSH-dominant gonadotropin and a small dose of Menopur is administered, and ultrasound and blood tests are done to monitor follicle development. The eggs are triggered for maturation with hCG, and the egg retrieval is scheduled for approximately 36 hours later. This protocol is often preferred for older women who have adequate ovarian reserve (AMH=>1.5ng/ml).
- The agonist/antagonist conversion protocol (A/ACP):, This is similar to the conventional long down-regulation protocol. However, instead of using an agonist, a GnRH antagonist is administered from the onset of stimulation with gonadotropins. This protocol is often preferred for older women who have moderately severe DOR (AMH=0.5-1.5ng/ml).
- A/ACP with Estrogen “priming”; For women with very severe, DORI prescribe estrogen “priming “with skin estradiol (E2) patches or Estradiol injections administered bi-weekly. For some time before commencing gonadotropin stimulation, in an attempt to enhance ovarian response to stimulation. This protocol is sometimes used in older women who have severe DOR ( <0.5-1.5ng/ml).
In my opinion, the following ovarian stimulation protocols all promote over-exposure to LH-induced ovarian testosterone and are best avoided in older women and women with DOR, undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF:
- Agonist “flare” protocols, which cause a surge of pituitary-LH at the wrong time.
- High dosages , LH-containing fertility drugs (e.g., menotropins such as Menopur).
- Testosterone-based supplements like Androgel.
- DHEA supplementation: DHEA is converted to testosterone in the ovaries.
- Clomiphene citrate & Letrozole, promote exaggerated pituitary LH release that can result in over-production of ovarian testosterone.
- Triggering egg maturation with too low a dosage of hCG (the ideal dosage is 10,000U of urine derived hCG) andf Recombinant DNA-derived hCG ( the ideal dosage is 500mcg of Ovidrel).
In cases where using their own eggs is no longer viable due to age and severe DOR, using donor eggs provides a fulfilling path to parenthood. Although some may initially hesitate due to the lack of genetic relation, it’s important to understand that the person who gives birth is considered the true biological parent in most cultures and legal systems. Becoming a parent through this connection can bring immense joy and fulfillment, as countless successful cases have shown.
Age may reduce the chances, but it does not eliminate the possibility of having a child through IVF. When IVF with own eggs is not an option, embracing the alternative of egg donation opens doors to highly successful and fulfilling paths to parenthood. It’s time to unlock the possibilities and embark on the journey towards creating a loving family.
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\
Failed fertilization
Name: Jessica S
How do you handle repeated failed fertilization? Does/can estrogen/prog before the cycle make this worse? We have already added calcium ioniphore.
One of the commonest questions asked by patients undergoing IVF relates to the likelihood of their eggs fertilizing and the likely “quality of their embryos. This is also one of the most difficult questions to answer. On the one hand many factors that profoundly influence egg quality; such as the genetic recruitment of eggs for use in an upcoming cycle, the woman’s age and her ovarian reserve, are our outside of our control. On the other hand the protocol for controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) can also profoundly influence egg/embryo development and this is indeed chosen by the treating physician.
First; it should be understood that the most important determinant of fertilization potential, embryo development and blastocyst generation, is the numerical chromosomal integrity of the egg (While sperm quality does play a role, in the absence of moderate to severe sperm dysfunction this is (moderate or severe male factor infertility a relatively small one). Human eggs have the highest rate of numerical chromosomal irregularities (aneuploidy) of all mammals. In fact only about half the eggs of women in their twenties or early thirties, have the required number of chromosomes (euploid), without which upon fertilization the cannot propagate a normal pregnancy. As the woman advances into and beyond her mid-thirties, the percentage of eggs euploid eggs declines progressively such that by the age of 40 years, only about one out of seven or eight are likely to be chromosomally normal and by the time she reaches her mid-forties less than one in ten of her eggs will be euploid.
Second; embryos that fail to develop into blastocysts are almost always aneuploid and not worthy of being transferred to the uterus because they will either not implant, will miscarry or could even result in a chromosomally abnormal baby (e.g. Down syndrome). However, it is incorrect to assume that all embryos reaching the blastocyst stage will be euploid (“competent”). ). It is true that since many aneuploid embryos are lost during development and that those failing to survive to the blastocyst stage are far more likely to be competent than are earlier (cleaved) embryos. What is also true is that the older the woman who produces the eggs, the less likely it is that a given blastocyst will be “competent”. As an example, a morphologically pristine blastocyst derived from the egg of a 30 year old woman would have about a 50:50 chance of being euploid and a 30% chance of propagating a healthy, normal baby, while a microscopically comparable blastocyst derived through fertilization of the eggs from a 40 year old, would be about half as likely to be euploid and/or propagate a healthy baby.
While the effect of species on the potential of eggs to be euploid at ovulation is genetically preordained and nothing we do can alter this equation, there is unfortunately a lot we can (often unwittingly) do to worsen the situation by selecting a suboptimal protocol of controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). This, by creating an adverse intraovarian hormonal environment will often disrupt normal egg development and lead to a higher incidence of egg aneuploidy than otherwise might have occurred. Older women, women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and those with polycystic ovarian syndrome are especially vulnerable in this regard.
During the normal, ovulation cycle, ovarian hormonal changes are regulated to avoid irregularities in production and interaction that could adversely influence follicle development and egg quality. As an example, small amounts of androgens (male hormones such as testosterone), that are produced by the ovarian stroma (tissue surrounding ovarian follicles) during the pre-ovulatory phase of the cycle enhance late follicle development, estrogen production by the granulosa cells (that line the inner walls of follicles), and egg maturation. However, over-production of testosterone can adversely influence the same processes. It follows that COS protocols should be individualized and geared toward optimizing follicle growth and development time while avoiding excessive ovarian androgen (testosterone) production and that the hCG “trigger shot” should be carefully timed.
In summary it is important to understand the influence species, age of the woman as well as the effect of the COS protocol can have on egg/embryo quality and thus on IVF outcome. The selection of an individualized protocol for ovarian stimulation is one of the most important decisions that the RE has to make and this becomes even more relevant when dealing with older women, those with DOR and women with PCOS. Such factors will in large part determine fertilization potential, the rate of blastocyst generation and indeed IVF outcome.
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\
Aborto espontáneo por hematoma
Name: Casandra E
Me realize una transferencia de embrión con pruebas genéticas preimplantation ales me pusieron intralipidos unas días antes de la transferencia la implantación fue un éxito y todo iba perfecto hasta la semana 6 y 3 días empecé a sangrar fui ah emergencias y me encontraron un hematoma subcorial muy chiquito pero la bebe estaba bien de tamaño y su latido era el normal dos días después en la clínica me hicieron el ultrasonido y estaba todo muy bien pero el hematoma seguía ahy pero chiquito me dijeron que no había ningún problema con el hematoma que no nesecitava hacer reposo ese día que vimos a mi bebe me pusieron otra vez intralipidos, tres días después estaba sangrando demasiado fui a la clínica de nuevo y la bebe estaba normal de tamaño y su latido estaba normal pero ya había bajado y me dijeron que la estaba perdiendo, la hemorragia seguía y más y con coágulos grandes, no entiendo qué pasó por que se vino esa hemorragia supongo que fue por el hematoma pero por que si no era tan grande mi pregunta es cree usted que los intralipidos causaron que el hematoma se desangrara o tal vez el seguir tomando una aspirina bebe, Cuado tenía hematoma? Me gustaría saber su opinión por que ya solo me queda otro hembrioncito
Please re-post in English!
Geoff Sher
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\
Sildenafil Vaginal Suppositories
Name: Bader M
I am reaching out to inquire about the availability and effectiveness of Sildenafil Vaginal Suppositories.
My wife is currently consulting with her doctor regarding a concern with endometrial thinning. Her doctor recommended the use of Sildenafil in the form of a vaginal suppository. Unfortunately, this specific product is not available in our country.
Could you please advise me on the following:
1. Are these suppositories effective for treating endometrial thinning?
2. If they are effective, can I purchase Sildenafil Vaginal Suppositories through you and you ship it to our forwarding mail address in NY?
Thank you very much for your assistance. Your prompt response is greatly appreciated as we explore treatment options for my wife.
Back in 1989, I conducted a study that examined how the thickness of a woman’s uterine lining, known as the endometrium, affected the successful implantation of embryos in IVF patients. The study revealed that when the uterine lining measured less than 8mm in thickness by the day of the “hCG trigger” in fresh IVF cycles, or at the start of progesterone therapy in embryo recipient cycles (such as frozen embryo transfers or egg donation IVF), the chances of pregnancy and birth were significantly improved. In my opinion, an ideal estrogen-promoted endometrial lining should measure at least 9mm in thickness, while a lining of 8-9mm is considered “intermediate.” In most cases, an estrogenic lining of less than 8mm is unlikely to result in a viable pregnancy.
A “poor” uterine lining typically occurs when the innermost layer of the endometrium, called the basal or germinal endometrium, fails to respond to estrogen and cannot develop a thick enough outer “functional” layer to support optimal embryo implantation and placenta development. The “functional” layer makes up two-thirds of the total endometrial thickness and is the layer that sheds during menstruation if no pregnancy occurs.
The main causes of a “poor” uterine lining include:
- Damage to the basal endometrium due to:
- Inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis) often resulting from retained products of conception after abortion, miscarriage, or birth.
- Surgical trauma caused by aggressive uterine scraping during procedures like D&C.
- Insensitivity of the basal endometrium to estrogen due to:
- Prolonged or excessive use of clomiphene citrate.
- Prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), a drug given to pregnant women in the 1960s to prevent miscarriage.
- Overexposure of the uterine lining to ovarian male hormones, mainly testosterone, which can occur in older women, women with diminished ovarian reserve, and women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who have increased LH biological activity. This hormonal imbalance leads to the overproduction of testosterone in the ovary’s connective tissue, further exacerbated by certain ovarian stimulation methods used in IVF.
- Reduced blood flow to the basal endometrium, often caused by:
- Multiple uterine fibroids, especially those located beneath the endometrium (submucosal).
- Uterine adenomyosis, an abnormal invasion of endometrial glands into the uterine muscle.
“The Viagra Connection”
Eighteen years ago, I reported on the successful use of vaginal Sildenafil (Viagra) in treating women with implantation dysfunction caused by thin endometrial linings. This breakthrough led to the birth of the world’s first “Viagra baby.” Since then, thousands of women with thin uterine linings have been treated with Viagra, and many have gone on to have babies after multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts.
Viagra gained popularity in the 1990s as an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction. Inspired by its mechanism of action, which increases penile blood flow through enhanced nitric oxide activity, I investigated whether vaginal administration of Viagra could improve uterine blood flow, deliver more estrogen to the basal endometrium, and promote endometrial thickening. Our findings confirmed that vaginal Viagra achieved these effects, while oral administration did not provide significant benefits. To facilitate treatment, we collaborated with a compound pharmacy to produce vaginal Viagra suppositories.
In our initial trial, four women with a history of poor endometrial development and failed conception underwent IVF treatment combined with vaginal Viagra therapy. The Viagra suppositories were administered four times daily for 8-11 days and stopped 5-7 days before embryo transfer. This treatment resulted in a rapid and significant improvement in uterine blood flow, leading to enhanced endometrial development in all four cases. Three of these women subsequently conceived. In 2002, I expanded the trial to include 105 women with repeated IVF failure due to persistently thin endometrial linings. About 70% of these women responded positively to Viagra therapy, with a notable increase in endometrial thickness. Forty-five percent achieved live births after a single cycle of IVF with Viagra treatment, and the miscarriage rate was only 9%. Women who did not show improvement in endometrial thickness following Viagra treatment did not achieve viable pregnancies.
When administered vaginally, Viagra is quickly absorbed and reaches the uterine blood system in high concentrations. It then dilutes as it enters the systemic circulation, explaining why treatment is virtually free from systemic side effects.
It is important to note that Viagra may not improve endometrial thickness in all cases. Approximately 30-40% of women treated may not experience any improvement. In severe cases of thin uterine linings where the basal endometrium has been permanently damaged and becomes unresponsive to estrogen, Viagra treatment is unlikely to be effective. This can occur due to conditions such as post-pregnancy endometritis, chronic inflammation resulting from uterine tuberculosis (rare in the United States), or extensive surgical damage to the basal endometrium.
In my practice, I sometimes recommend combining vaginal Viagra administration with oral Terbutaline (5mg). Viagra relaxes the muscle walls of uterine spiral arteries, while terbutaline relaxes the uterine muscle itself. The combination of these medications synergistically enhances blood flow through the uterus, improving estrogen delivery to the endometrial lining. However, it’s important to monitor potential side effects of Terbutaline such as agitation, tremors, and palpitations. Women with cardiac disease or irregular heartbeat should not use Terbutaline.
Approximately 75% of women with thin uterine linings respond positively to treatment within 2-3 days. Those who do not respond well often have severe inner ( (basal) endometrial lining damage, where improved uterine blood flow cannot stimulate a positive response. Such cases are commonly associated with previous pregnancy-related endometrial inflammation, occurring after abortions, infected vaginal deliveries, or cesarean sections.
Viagra therapy has been a game-changer for thousands of women with thin uterine linings, allowing them to successfully overcome infertility and build their families.
Herewith are online links to 2 E-books recently co-authored with my partner at SFS-NY (Drew Tortoriello MD)……. for your reading pleasure:
- From In Vitro Fertilization to Family: A Journey with Sher Fertility Solutions (SFS) ; http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/sher-fertility-solutions-ebook.pdf
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Unexplained IVF Failure: The Immunologic Link ;https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYKz-EkAjMqwMa1ZcufIloRdxnAfDH8L/view
I invite you to visit my very recently launched “Podcast”, “HAVE A BABY” on RUMBLE; https://rumble.com/c/c-3304480
If you are interested in having an online consultation with me, please contact my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 or email her at concierge@sherivf.com\