IVF for Same Sex Couples

Gay, lesbian, or transgender individuals experience the same fears as
any individual in the world. One of these is trepidation that they
might not be able to have children. In the United States of America,
same-sex marriage [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage]
has been legal nationwide since June 26, 2015, when the United

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IVF for Women Who Have Previously Conceived (Secondary Infertility)

While _Primary infertility_ refers to the inability of a woman who has
never been pregnant in the past, to conceive, _Secondary Infertility_
is defined as an inability to conceive more than 1 year after having
conceived in the past. Most patients find it difficult to accept the
fact that having once been able to conceive they are now unable to do
so. When confronted with the proposition that they need IVF, women who
have Secondary Infertility find it harder to accept than d…

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IVF Outcome: How Age, Ovarian Reserve and the Protocol Used for Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Influences Success

It is the egg’s numerical chromosomal integrity (ploidy) that is the
most influential in influencing its subsequent ability
post-fertilization, to propagate a “competent” embryo (one that
has 46 chromosomes and is capable of developing into a healthy
pregnancy). And it is the ploidy of the embryo that determines
reproductive success. Thus, egg ploidy is the rate-limiting factor in
human reproduction.   Ovarian reserve refers to the number of eggs
remaining in the ovaries. An AMH o…

IVF Outcome: How Age, Ovarian Reserve and the Protocol Used for Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Influences Success Read More »

Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction: Importance of Meticulous Evaluation and Strategic Management: (Case Report)

Greetings Dr. Sher! Just wanted to first thank you for all that you do
for women and infertility and I’m truly amazed and grateful at how
you are so willingly to share your knowledge and help women achieve
pregnancy. As for me, my background – Diagnosed with endometriosis
at age 19 when I lost one ovary/tube. Struggled with recurrent endo
and had multiple surgeries for endometriomas. Stayed on continuous BCP
for more than 15 years. At about 37 tried a few rounds of in vitro,
low slow…

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Sperm DNA Damage- Tests and Interpretation

infertility cases, male factor is the sole cause. In approximately
another 40% it is solely a female factor and in the remainder (20%)
both male and female factors are involved. In more than 80% of cases,
performance of a semen analysis (sperm concentration, motility, and
morphology) will be sufficient to diagnose male factor. There is

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Measuring and interpreting Blood hCG to Assess Pregnancy Viability Following ART Treatments

I know of no medical announcement associated with the degree of
emotional anticipation and anguish as that associated with a pending
diagnosis/confirmation of pregnancy following infertility treatment.
In fact, hardly a day goes by where I am not confronted by a patient
anxiously seeking interpretation of a pregnancy test result.

Measuring and interpreting Blood hCG to Assess Pregnancy Viability Following ART Treatments Read More »

Ovarian Endometriomas: Sclerotherapy provides a Safe, Convenient, and highly effective Non-Surgical Alternative

Women, who have advanced endometriosis, often have endometriotic
ovarian cysts, known as endometriomas. These cysts contain decomposed
menstrual blood that looks like melted chocolate…hence the name
“chocolate cysts”. These space occupying lesions can cause chronic
pelvic pain, pain with intercourse (dyspareunia) and painful menstrual
periods, thus compromising quality of life. They can also activate
ovarian connective tissue (stroma or theca) result…

Ovarian Endometriomas: Sclerotherapy provides a Safe, Convenient, and highly effective Non-Surgical Alternative Read More »

Infertility Caused by Pelvic Tuberculosis: An Easily Missed Diagnosis

Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium known as mycobacterium
tuberculosis. It is primarily an infectious process that involves the
lungs it is capable of spreading elsewhere (extra-pulmonary TB) It can
spread to the woman’s reproductive tract and cause infertility. The
commonest site is the Fallopian tubes. From there it can spread to
uterine lining (endometrium) and to the ovaries. The lower genital
tract (cervix, vagina and vulva can also be affected b…

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Autism and Reproduction

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of conditions that
most commonly affect males and are characterized by lifelong
neurodevelopmental derangements manifesting as deficiencies in social
interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and dysfunctional
interests and behavioral pattern that range from social isolation,
delayed speech, and repetitious movement, to Asperger’s syndrome,
characterized by higher levels of cognition and social behavior. It
result from a comple…

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