Viagra as a Treatment to Thicken Uterine Lining
About seventeen years ago, after reporting on the benefit of vaginal
Sildenafil (Viagra) for women who had implantation dysfunction due to
thin endometrial linings,... Read more.
Intralipid and IVIG Therapy in the Treatment of Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction
There is an ever growing realization, recognition, and acceptance of
the fact that uterine immunologic dysfunction can lead to immunologic
implantation dysfunction... Read more.
Janet Jackson Delays Tour to Start Family: How Old is too Old for IVF?
More and more women are deciding, based upon personal preference and
professional necessity, to postpone having a family to a later age. In
fact, very recently Janet... Read more.
Pros and Cons of The Lupron (Leuprolide) Trigger Shot
Traditionally, IVF egg retrievals are timed for about 36 hours after a
10,000U hCG “trigger”. The hCG hormone thereupon remains in the
system for up to a week.... Read more.
How Does Bodyweight Affect Fertility and IVF Outcome?
The prevalence of obesity in Western societies is on the rise, which
has a profound effect on the reproductive performance of women who are
trying to have a baby.... Read more.
Premature Luteinization (“the premature LH surge): Why it Happens and how it can be Prevented
Premature luteinization ("premature LH surge") occurs when prior to
the planned initiation of the hCG trigger, a progressive rise in LH,
irreversibly compromises... Read more.
Induction of Ovulation With Clomiphene Citrate: Mode of Action, Indications, Benefits, Limitations and Contraindications for its use
Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) is by far the most widely prescribed
agent for the induction of human ovulation for women who do not
ovulate, those with dysfunctional... Read more.
Uterine Fibroids and Fertility
Fibroids or leiomyomas are non-malignant muscle tumors that grow in
the uterine wall. They can be found in about one out of every five
(1:5) women >30Y of age. Fibroids... Read more.
Natural Killer Cell Activation (NKa) and Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID) in IVF: The Controversy!
“Innovators are rarely received with joy, and established
authorities launch into condemnation of newer truths; for at every
crossroad to the future are a thousand... Read more.
How Many Embryos Should be Transferred: A Critical Decision in IVF
The decision on how many embryos to transfer confronts most IVF
physicians and their IVF patients. It is driven by a goal that both
share in common, namely that... Read more.