Multiple Pregnancies Carry Serious Risks: How Many Embryos Should we Transfer at One Time?
All multiple pregnancies pose a risk to both mother and offspring.
Pregnancy induced maternal complications such as miscarriage,
pre-eclampsia, antepartum and post-partum... Read more.
A Fresh Look at Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a life-endangering
condition that occurs following ovarian stimulation
for the treatment of infertility. It occurs due... Read more.
IVF: Selecting the Best Quality Embryos to Transfer 2
The numerical chromosomal configuration of a cell is referred to as
its karyotype or ploidy. A cell with an irregular chromosome number is
referred to as aneuploid... Read more.
Male Infertility
Male factor problems as a contributing cause of infertility are very
common. Male infertility is reported as a factor in 30-50% of
infertility cases. In fact, many... Read more.
The IVF Journey: The importance of “Planning the Trip” Before “Taking the Ride”
The objective with In Vitro Fertilization is to consistently transfer
competent embryos into a receptive uterine environment. This requires
a very individualized... Read more.
Are Injectable Fertility Drugs Safe?
I have all too often heard it said that medical providers knowingly
place unsuspecting infertile women at risk of developing cancer
through the fertility injectable... Read more.
IVF Failure and Implantation Dysfunction
Implantation dysfunction is
unfortunately often overlooked as an important cause of IVF failure.
In the pursuit of optimizing outcome with IVF, the clinician has... Read more.
Cervical Incompetence: A Common Cause of Late Miscarriage, Premature Birth and 2nd Trimester Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)
With cervical Incompetence (CI) the cervix starts to shorten (efface)
and dilate too early in the pregnancy giving rise to late (2nd
trimester) miscarriage or premature... Read more.
The Pro’s and Con’s of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) : It Should be Used Selectively
About a decade ago, I, along with my associate, Levent Keskintepe PhD
were the first to introduce full chromosome Preimplantation Genetic
Testing (PGT)
into the... Read more.
Case Report: Treating Hydrosalpinx by Surgical Removal (Salpingectomy) as a Prelude to IVF
CASE REPORT: **For the purposes of anonymity, I will be referring to
the patient as RL throughout this blog.** RL, a 31-year-old woman,
presented with a 7 year history... Read more.