What is left to try?

Hello, Iโ€™m at 38 year old, female with low ovarian reserve and type 1 diabetes. My partner has male infertility, requiring tese. We had a successful IVF pregnancy with a day 3 embryo in 2018.
For the last two years we have completed seven egg retrievals and six medicated FETs of multiple day 3 embryos. All embryo transfers had one or more good quality embryos and one or more fair quality, but I never became pregnant.
We have worked on identifying the cause of failure to implant by completing Era, Emma, Alice, Receceptiva, laparoscopy, saline sonogram, HSG and hysteroscopy. Everything came back normal.
My diabetes is very well controlled and other blood work including thyroid have been normal.
We have one euploid and two mosaics frozen from when I was 36 and 37. What more can we do to identify my issues with implantation and to give these remaining embryos the best chance?


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