Unexplained infertility

I am a 39yo f, pmhx prolactinoma (dx 1/2023, medically managed now), ulcerative proctitis (on stelara, almost in remission) with 1 natural conception and loss at 8 weeks due to trisomy, now 3 failed IVF stim attempts. My AMH flux is between 1.4-1.8 and FSH around 11. Antral follicle count always 11-15, I’ve done 3 protocols, 1st GnRHa protocol (Gonal-F 300 but i responded so quickly came down to 225u after few days), Meno (150), Ganirelix, HCG) no priming – for 11 eggs, 8 mature, 4 fertilized with ICSI, 2 blast – 1 low mosaic and 1 aneuploid. Had mild OHSS after this.
Second round, Estrogen priming, GnRHa (Gonalf 225u, meno225u) added clomid 5 days, lupron trigger to avoid OHSS, which helped, used ICSI. Got 15 follicles, 12 mature, 11 fertilized only 1 blast aneuploid.
Switched physicians, as prior RE said you just have poor quality eggs not much to do for that, Third wound we did mild dose GnRHa (150u Gonal F, 150u Meno) with priming and letrozole instead of clomid and dual trigger lupron 70u/HCG 1500, 11 follices on last US only 7 collected, 3 mature, we used natural conception, 2 fertilized – 1 blast, again aneuploid.
DNA frag on my husband was moderately positive at my prior RE clinic, but new doc questions validity and doesnt think its the issue. We will see urology just in case.
There is a question if I have undiagnosed endo as I do have some correlating symptoms, positional pain with intercourse, chronic constipation and persistent LLQ aching – which i always attributed to my IBD but now as im close to remission and it persists, i’m rethinking. I also get this excruciating pelvic cramping, around ovulation associated with high intensity excercise, pref saw pelvic pain specialist 3 years ago who did MRI said no endo, no point to lap.
As I am about to be 40, my RE doesn’t feel compelled for me to explore laparoscopy as the healing time would prolong continue IVF and my age is concerning. He is also against growth hormone use, surprising to me.
His next suggestion is lupron down regulation, however I’ve listened to your talk on the egg whisperer on approach for those with challenging egg quality, keeping menopur low to try to avoid excess testosterone affecting quality, utilizing Growth Hormone as well. I tried to bring this up, but its a challenging conversation to have when you’re bring other physicians protocols into the mix.
My questions are, do you think it is worth trying another round without consulting with an endometriosis specialist for lap? If so, do you think lupron down regulation would be beneficial to try in my scenario, or should I be looking for a physician who utilizes GH for poor blast and quality issues? TY for your time, an apologies for the lengthy message. IM a physician assistant, so it’s hard for me to leave details out.


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