Thin uterine lining

Hi Doctor, I have always had a heavy period flow to the point where I needed Tranexamic acid to help with the heavy and long flow. Fast forward to October I had a brief chemical pregnancy or so I thought. Far forward to November when I first tried Letrozole and thatโ€™s when my period flow got unusually lighter. Letrozole gave me an ovarian cyst which had to be surgically taken out. Tried one more Letrozole cycle and on the ultrasound my gyn noticed thin uterine lining. Since then itโ€™s been thin but both my estrogen and progesterone and every other hormone is normal. Perfect HSG results, good AMH, good FSH and everything except thin uterine lining. My RE woul not help with it unless Iโ€™m going for IVF. What do I do at this point?


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