Thin endometrium 3 years after successful egg donor pregnancy

I had my first egg donor transfer at 43 years old and it was successful. Had a c-section with no complications. Now I am 47 years old and wanted to try once more. This time I have had 4 transfer cycles canceled because my endometrium will not get above 6mm. I had an ultrasound at my OBGYN and it showed no polyps or fibroids. I have been having hot flashes for 6 months and am probably in menopause. My body is naturally making very little estrogen. My level was 8.8 back in October. During the past cycle attempts, I was given 2mg estradiol 3 times daily with an added estradiol pill vaginally every 3rd night. I asked the doctors about Viagra. One doctor recommended 50 mg every other night another doctor recommended 25mg 4 times daily with an estradiol vaginal pill every day. I have been doing yoga and fertility massages in case it could be a blood flow issue. Also taking vitamin E supplements. What would be your recommendation? Also, do you believe in acupuncture? Thanks- Alicia


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