Surge on day 15 with 14mm follicle

Hi Dr.Sher,

I am doing an investigative cycle through my fertility clinic this month. Yesterday was my day 15 and on ultrasound I had a dominant follicle measuring 14mm. It was growing at a rate of 1mm per day since day 10. The nurse informed me that based on the size of the follicle that I should expect my lh to surge later this week. I got home a few hours after doing my ultrasound (and bloodwork) and the nurse called to say that my bloodwork results just came in and I was having a surge.
I am of course devastated as everything I have read states that the follicle must be at least 18 mm in order for a surge to happen. And as mine was only 14mm at the time of the surge, the follicle most likely did not contain an egg or if it did it was immature. My husband and I tried last night anyway. Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated. I am 39, have PCOS and have had RPL (all very early before 6 weeks). Are there any drugs to help with this?


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