Stimulation poor responder

Advice on stimulation proctol please.

Background: Iโ€™m 36y, normal BMI, pelvic and bowel endometriosis (lap confirmed and excised), high activated NK cells, persistently raised cardiolipin IgM titre, 3+ yr history primary infertility.5 failed embryo transfers. I did have brief chemical pregnancy with last transfer using prednisolone and low molecular weight heparin, and using viagra to finally get lining above 8mm (previously 6-7mm – hysteroscopy normal, no endometritis).

Main issue: AMH 7.46pmol/l Poor ovarian response in 3 full IVF cycles (1-3 mature eggs and occasionally 1 immature) using 450iu rFSH short antagonist protocols with fixed day 5 ganirelix. Pre treatment with norethisterone each time. Also latter 2 stimulations preceded by Tostran and DHEA respectively. HCG trigger 10,000.

Iโ€™ve been suggested now for 4th cycle to use oestrogen priming with alternate day antagonist starting in luteal phase followed by Gonal F 300iu and Meriofert 75iu, and HCG trigger.
Any thoughts?


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