Stim Protocol

Dear Dr. Sher,
My spouse and I are both 36 years old with unexplained infertility. We’ve had 6 failed IUIs (4 with letrozole, 1 with letrozole and Menopur, and 1 with Gonal-F). My spouse’s AMH is 1.27 ng/mL and AFC varies between 13 – 18.
Based on what I’ve read in your book, blog posts, and other research, my understanding was that given our age and diagnosis, the most suitable stimulation protocol for our upcoming IVF cycle would be either the “GnRH antagonist protocol with Estrogen Priming” or the “Agonist/Antagonist Conversion Protocol”.
However, our fertility doctor has dismissed these suggestions and insists on a conventional GnRH antagonist protocol with Oral contraceptive pills, Gonal – F (275 IU), Cetrotide, and HcG/Suprefact as trigger. The doctor also refuses to use Human Growth Hormone in the protocol.
I’m at a loss on what to do next. What would be your recommended Stimulation protocol for our case?


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