Secondary Infertility

Hi Dr Sher

Ive watched the egg whisper Dr aimee talk to you about implantation failure and I wanted to ask you your advice, I messaged you a few years ago and was very grateful for your response and advice, Im not sure if you recall me, my name is Ayesha from South Africa, im happy to report that I have subsequently and through many many tries of IVF been successful, we started when I was 30 years oldโ€ฆ. It took us 6 Fresh cycles and 2 frozen to have 2 healthy girls aged now 7 and 3 years over a period of a few years.. we have always wanted a bigger family and hence I donโ€™t want to give up on our dream of another baby โ€ฆ a little background .. we have male factor low morphology, low motility, sperm fragmentation etc and I have pcos, at 33 after 4 fresh IVFs and 1 frozen we had 1 mc 5.5 weeks where the twins never developed heartbeats (untested blasts) and 1 mc at 5 weeks (also untested ) as the Dr felt I was young enough to not need testing on embryos at that time, finally on our 4th FRESH round of IVF we did CGH testing in 2016 I got pg and had a healthy normal baby (34 years old at the time), subsequently in 2019 we did a FET of 2 frozen CGH normals but they didnโ€™t take, in 2020 after 2 fresh cycles with PGS I got pg and at 38 years old at the time I had a 2nd healthy normal baby (amid the pandemic ) โ€ฆ I am now 41 so this year in September 2023 we used our frozen normal blast that we had from 2020 cycle we had but it was unsuccessfulI unfortunately I know age is against me and my eggs (quality is my issue and male factor) and we subsequently did 1 fresh Cycle now in November 2023 (short protocol) and sadly even though we had 13 eggs and 8 were mature, 6 making it to blast day 5, NGS revealed that none were normal and 1 was a low mosaic so we took our chances and transferred it but unfortunately it did not implant โ€ฆ what id like to know is, We both have started coq10 and both added diet and lifestyle changes .. our RE says it maybe worth another fresh cycle as he says our problem seems more embryo quality than anything else, and he said another cycle maybe worth it with perhaps a change in protocol ie long protocol, please advise us next steps and would another cycle be worth it considering I have been successful in the past?? .. thank you in advance I really appreciate it


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