Hi Dr Sher, I hope you’re well. I’m so glad to see you are still doing this forum! Your advice helped me tremendously three years ago when I embarked on my first (successful) FET. I’m about to embark on my second FET and I have a question.

During this cycle, I developed a growing follicle. Yesterday, after 14 days of estradiol pills (2mg twice a day), my levels were as follows:
Progesterone: 1.6
LH: 41
E2: 716

I took my first dose of POI (1/2ml) this morning at 1am with a view of doing the FET this coming Wed. My doctor thinks I was close to ovulating and I’m worried that I may have even ovulated before the first dose of POI. Is this a concern? Would you proceed with the FET with these numbers? We only have a few more embryos on ice so I don’t want to risk anything. For the first transfer three years ago, we went by the ERA timing and it worked. Even though the ERA has since proven to be useless, the plan was to stick to the timing since it worked for the first transfer. This rise in progesterone has thrown this whole timing off but my doctor believes that it would still fall within the receptive window and that progesterone of 1.6 is still in a range that should not really advance the endometrium. Do you agree? And should I proceed? Or is it safer to wait for the next cycle do you think?

Finally, my lining measured 15.6mm two days ago (triple stripe). Is this too thick do you think?

I really don’t know what to do and a second opinion would be much appreciated.

Thanks as always for everything you do to support the IVF community. Your advice is invaluable!