Dear dr Sher,
I got my first child 2020 via embryodonation (34 yo) on the first attempt with HRT. I had low AMH and endo.
Since 2024 we had 3 more embryotransfers (1 was PGT-a) tested with the same male donor, new female donors every time. Negative (1 was chemical).
Was downregulated with Lupro each time, longest 2 months, had Dienogest before downregulation. Was stimulated with Estrogen 6mg/day and Cyclogest and Prolutex. First and second attempt I just had Cyclogest. Last time both (level 103nmol/l).
Coagulation was fine. Hysteroscopy was fine. CD138 neg. ANA twice >400 (normal 200), reuma says it is normal, all other immunology testing neg).
Took Doxy and Metronidazole last time for 2 weeks. Added Prednisolone 10mg and Intralipide.
The only thing I havenยดt done is an ERA. Worth it?
My doctor tells me in just doing more transfers but not changing anything. But I think something is wrong in my receptivity.
I always get a nice thickness of my lining, between 9 and 10mm but the last 2 attempts it was not perfectly trilaminar, but almost.
Wondering if I should change to transdermal estrogen? Anything else?