
Iโ€™m almost ready to trigger for egg retrieval, but I only have four mature follicles. There are ten follicles total, but they didnโ€™t mature at the same rate and my doctor wonโ€™t wait for those to mature because they only do retrievals for a few days each month. Iโ€™m 33 and my AMH ranges from 0.6-0.8. I typically have shown 12 follicles combined on ultrasounds prior to starting medications. Should I go through with this retrieval or cancel it and see if another round of injections produces better results? I was told that I could be primed (with estrogen or testosterone) next time, and it should result in a better egg count. Cost is a factor, so thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m considering not going through with this retrieval.

My regimen this time around was 225 follistem for a few days until it was bumped to 300, and 150 menopur everyday.


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