Repeated miscarriages

Dear Dr. Sher,

Just had my 6th miscarriage, natural conception with ivig and lit.

I am disgnosed with partial dq-alpha gene match (0301) and elevated nk cells.
We have a 4.5 years old son concieved naturaly and easily.

My miscarriages are very early.
We had 3 LITs a year and a half ago however LAD is still negative.
I took 30g IVIG on ovulution and on positive hgc test.
Aldo added ovidral on positive hgc test.

Immune pannel taken a day after the second ivig showed elevated tnf-alpha, elevated nk cell activity and 29.4% nk cell count.

We lost the pregnancy, the sac was empty and matched 4 weeks size.

I am way over 40 however I plan to bank embreyos for surrogocy.
We did another LIT after the miscarriage as my doctor thinks it can still work if lad turns positive.

Given my condition, Do you think there are other treatments that can work given my condition?
I refuse to take steroids and other medication which can harm egg quality due to past experience.

What do you think about neupogen / tacro / intralipids?

Thanks a lot for your time


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