Repeated Implantation Failures and MC

Good morning Dr. Sher,
My name is Xuandao (“Dao”) Nguyen, I’m 42 yo and currently in round 4 of IVF at my local clinic here in Atlanta (ACRM). I want to give you a brief summary of my case and want to see if I could be a potential patient at your clinic. My IVF journey started in July 2023 at RBA (another clinic here), two rounds there and no PGA euploid embryo. (Worthy of note, before I began any retrieval rounds they found a large cyst (12x14cm) on my Right ovary so I ended up having to have an Oophorectomy of my Right ovary April of 2023.) I then moved on to ACRM, did two rounds with a changed in protocol and resulted in 5 euploid embryos. FET #1 in January 2024 resulted in MC at 8 weeks (tissue sample of fetus was normal). RE ran tests to see if I have any blood clotting factor, none found. FET #2 and #3 she incorporated prednisone, claritin, Pepcid acid, and Lovenox into my protocol which included Estrace 2mg TID and POI qAM; both times, no implantation (beta HCG was negative). They ran more test on me (hysteroscopy and Receptiva DX) and says I’m positive score for Endometriosis. So October and NOvember 2024, I went on 2 mos of Lupron Depot prior to transfer. We had FET #4 mid Dec. 2024, beta HCG picked up slow, very slow rise: 1st beta 54, 149, 450, 1621… I’m going in for a vaginal ultrasound today (week #7), but things aren’t looking promising. If needed, I’ll keep you posted. But Ultrasound at week 6 didn’t look great as we didn’t see a fetal pole.

I want to be proactive and reach out to you because I spoke with a friend locally (Susan Eihrich) that’s also a patient of yours and she says she’s working with you now. We have one more PGT euploid embryo left. Do you think there’s a good chance I need to seek you for some immunology evaluation? Any thoughts help! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my case. Have a wonderful day!


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