Hi Dr. Sher,
I found your website after researching pgt embryos that fail to implant. I’m 38 years old, I have DOR, AMH .5 when tested a year ago, FSH 10.3. I did three retrievals and ended up with 5 pgt normal embryos with mostly good grades. I just had my second failed embryo transfer and I’m starting to feel hopeless. I am scheduled for a hysteroscopy and an ERA this next cycle but my Dr seems to think those test can be inconclusive. Is there anything else I should be testing/ doing to have a better outcome and find the root of the problem? I am desperate for answers as to why I’ve now had 2 failed FET’s when both embryos were genetically normal. I don’t have a history of endometriosis or any uterine problems that I am aware of. I’ve also never been pregnant before.
Thank you,