Hi Dr Sher,
I’m 43 yrs old & had a baby with IVF at 41 using the mini stim protocol (fresh) & hoping to try again for a 2nd. We’ve had 3 failed cycles since (using way higher doses). The difference between our first successful cycle and the failed cycles are as follows:
1. I used Testosterone gel for 3 mo pre the failed cycles (not with the successful one)
2. I used loads more Prog on failed cycles & only the vaginal suppositories on the successful cycle. I checked my prog level on the day of transfer on my last failed cycle & it was 340nmol/l (too high!)
In your opinion, do you think the failed cycles were due to abnormal eggs or could it have been due to the excessive prog I was on & the testosterone gel?
3. Do you have a preference for a fresh or frozen transfer for older women >40?
Would love to hear your thoughts!