Hi Dr Sher,
We recently embarked on IVF after 1x TFMR at 24 weeks for genetic disorder (22q syndrome) of which neither me or my partner are carriers followed by 3x chemical miscarriage around 4.5/5 weeks. Our first cycle was stimulated using Gonal-F 300iu for 4 days then 250iu for last 7. Cetrotide 0.25 for the last 5 days and trigger of Decapeptyl 0.1 x2. 14 total follicles growing on day 9 scan with sizes; 4x 17-18mm, 4x 13-16mm, 2x 13-15mm, 4x under 10mm. Trigger shot was on day 12 with Egg retrieval 36 hours later. 11 eggs retrieved but only 3 fully mature, 1 in the M1 phase and 7 in the GV stage. Of the 3 mature they all fertilised with one making it to day 5 as a grade 4AB blastocyst which is now frozen.
Our clinic has come up with a “down regulation” protocol for our next cycle using 3mg Decapeptyl between days 21-23 of this cycle followed by a wait for period. After period we will begin with 375iu Pergoveris for 5 days then 6 days of 300iu. Trigger shot will be 250mcg Ovitrelle.
We have read lots online as to why we may have had such a low mature rate including valuable information on your blog and talk of a double trigger seems to be very helpful in many cases but the new protocol doesn’t include this as it is a long one. We were suprised at the move to a down regulation one after just one cycle in which follicle growth seemed good, just a mature issue. Is this something that makes sense to you given our circumstances and result from round 1?
Thankyou very much for your time and listening to us. It has been a long hard fought battle so far