Good day Dr Sher
I hope you are well. My name is Candice Castle, I am a functional health practitioner and you assisted me years ago with what medication to import into South africa so that I could have a successful IVF and it worked. My son is 10 years old now. The gratitude I have in my heart for your work is overwhelimg! Thank you!!
My question is regarding a patinet I saw yesterday whose infetilty seems to be primarily immune related. When I met with her yesterday I immedaitely thought of you again. She has already done a few rounds of unsuccessful IVF and done quite a bit of testing of the years. She turns 42 in January and we feel that time is not on our side.
In 2015 her AMH was fairly high. What is of interest to me though is that her natural killer and T cells came back high more recently and using prednisone along with mild immune suppressants has allowed her to fall pregnant naturally 3 times in the last year. ( after 3- 4 years of nothing happening naturally) All 3 pregnancies were unfortunately lost. ( 1 X chemical ) and 2 were lost at around 8 weeks.
My questions are as follows: Is there a certain protocol that one should follow in your view to fall pregnant and maintain pregnancy if there is a natural killer cell issue. Perhaps like myself, a certain medicine that is not available here should be used for immune supression and perhaps dosage is wrong. Patient is healthy and fit and is a fitness health practitioner herself.
She has another transfer planned for end Jan beggining Feb as her previous IVF rounds resulted in 7 Blastocysts/Embryos. As mentioned previously the last rounds were unsuccessful.
Thank you for what you do and for being this type of Dr, and so willing to assist. My son would not be here without you today. He is a smart kid with an IQ that has gained attention, he has been put in a special school where classes are smaller so that he gains the best from school and was bored in a normal school. I mention this only as I often get questions about whether doing IVF can result in children born with learning disabilities or worse. In my case the answer is a resounding no.
Looking forward to your response.
Kindest Regards