Pregnancy Loss, IVF & Immunologic Testing

Hi Dr. Sher,

I live in Toronto and have had 2 chemicals and one miscarriage within the span of 5 months. I used Letrozole to ovulate with the first 2 pregnancies, but I ovulated naturally with the third pregnancy. For the last 2 pregnancies, I was on baby aspirin, thyroid medication (precautionary as my thyroid was typically at 3.3) and taking progesteroneย suppositories. Will note that my uterine lining was 8.4 for the first pregnancy, 6.4 for the second and 5.6 for the third so know the last 2 were very low.

I have PCOS and just found out through laparoscopyย that I have stage 1 endometriosis, where a superficial legion was removed and located lateral to the right uterosacral ligament. The surgery also found a retained product of conception in the left cornual. In addition, adhesions were found between the right bowel to pelvic sidewall. My specialist also mentioned that he found inflammationย that was similar to someone with crohns or colitis, so I’m looking into this further with a gastroenterologist. My husband also has mild DNA fragmentation (15.1 at last test).
It has only been a week since my laparoscopy and I will be having a follow upย  soon with my RE to discuss next steps. He has mentioned that he would like to use prednisone for the next pregnancy to help reduce inflammation, but I’m wondering if he’s going to recommend IVF as the next step. However, I’m interested to know your opinion if you think we should be doing immunologic testing before beginning with IVF. I had previously mentioned immunologic testing to my specialist but he didn’t seem very supportive with proceeding.

Given my background, albeit these are the coles notes of our history, want to know if you think I should fight for this testing prior to IVF. If so, what testing should I be asking for? I have seen reproductive immunology testing through Fertilysis but that was about $2,000 CAD so want to know if there’s testing that’s more reasonable in cost.


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