possible pcos

Hi I am a 20 years old female. 5’7 roughly 150-160 pounds
A year ago i was experiencing a bunch of symptoms that led me to get a check up.
My symptoms were – excessive hair growth especially on my face, weight gain ( my weight was still very normal just heavier than my usual probably around 165 pounds), a little bit of acne, heavy flow ( using a super tampon every 3-4 hours) and period pain that would go away with a pain killer. I always had a regular period every 28 days that would last 5-7 days.
I went to my OBGYN for a checkup. We did an ultrasound- there were no cists on the ovaries.
However in my hormonal profile the only hormone that is elevated is DEHA (16.02 UMOL/L) ( the hormonal profile was taken on the second day of my period)
I went to the endocrinologist to check my adrenal gland, they were fine.
I have been on the birth control diena-35 for almost a year, it has gotten rid of all my symptoms and stabilized my hormones.
I have not further investigated the case.
I am interested in hearing you opinion- is it for suer pcos? will this affect fertility and how.
Should i get off the pill ? stay on?

Thanks so much for you time


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