Please Help!

Dear Dr. Sehr, I’m almost 37 years old AMH 1,08 (measured under the pill, last measurement 09/21 was 3,5)

Husband has OAT3, used zymot last Icsi.

Had 4 ICSIs, 7 transfers, one MMC 9weeks, one MC six weeks. Last four transfers we had no success at all.

Used short protocol all the time:

1. icsi – 12 retrieved, 9 mature, 5 fertilised, 3 blasts (3aa/3BB/3bc)
PID not possible in Germany
3BB was MMC, 3BC was MC
Stims: Meriofert

2. ICSI – 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilised, 2 blasts (early blast/2BB)
Stims: Pergoveris 225 IE – no success

3. ICSI – 12 retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilised, 2 blasts (3aa/ 3BB) – no success – Stims Pergoveris 300 IE

4. ICSI ( in Czech republic) – 8 retrieved, 5 mature, 3 fertilised, 2 Blasts (2x5bb) – Stims: Pergoveris 300, double trigger Decapeptyl 0.2+ 5000IE Hcg

Clinic says no PGT-A possible since they only tests AA. Devastated since we changed to Czech Republic for PID. Got them frozen but hopeless now.

We are trying for ten years now. I’m so sad. We live in Germany where everything useful is forbidden by the government.

Do you please have an advice?

Thank you so much in advance!!!


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