Overmature Follicles?

Hi Dr. Sher,

I am writing to you because I am extremely upset at the negligence of my clinic and am looking for some insight. The clinic upped my meds of rekovelle and menopur and decided to wait 3 days to monitor my follicles. I emailed the nurses asking if I could come in earlier for bloodwork and ultrasound and that was declined. Well now I have around 11 follicles in the 24-28 mm range. Do these follicles for sure contain an overmature egg? Is there any chance that there could be a good egg in any of them or should I just not get my hopes up? Please advise. My egg retrieval is on Friday morning. I have another 9 or so that are in the 16-23 range. I trigger tonight with Decapetyl.

Please advise. For reference I am 39.5 and have pcos.


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