No blastocysts from 2 ivf cycles.

My husband and I are both 29 years, weโ€™ve been trying to conceive since two years and weโ€™ve started visiting a fertility clinic since 11/2022. Weโ€™re both healthy, have no other health issues.

Later in March-2023, my AMH fell to 0.79. In April, we decided to move on to IVF due to my falling AMH. April-2023 Ivy cycle 1 AFC: 11, FSH:6, E2:40 We got 10 follicles, 8 mature eggs Day 2, 3: 6โ€จ No blastocysts on day5, day 6 ending we had 3 blastocysts.

The doctor and the embryologist said the growth till day 3 was on track, and slowed to a great extent post that indicating that the embryos might not implant or lead to live birth. We decided to check my husbands DFI and do TESA and PICSI. DFI was 34%.
Ivy cycle 2 FSH: 9.7, E2:22 AFC: 8 SA: all parameters normal, morphology: 1% We got 6 follicles and 6 mature eggs. Day2: 5. Day3: 4. They froze 2 day 3 embryos No blastocysts on day 5 and b/c graded blastocysr on day 6 which doctor said they canโ€™t discard. This cycle, we did TESA + PICSI.
Weโ€™re confused to see the same results both these times. What can we do differently the next time and how can we improve our chances?


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