Lining Thickness for FET

In 2020 (age 42), we had 2 natural pregnancies at 6-8 weeks and miscarried naturally. In 2021, we tried IVF, we had 2 cycles that gave us 11 embryos, only 1 grew and it was abnormal. In July of 2022, we decided to use an egg donor and travel to South Africa to do this. We did a fresh transfer with 1 embryo and froze the rest. All 11 were graded really high but untested. I got pregnant but at my 1st & 2nd ultrasound, there was just an empty sack. I miscarried around 10 weeks after a D&C. In Nov we tried a FET again with 2 embryos. Lining was too thin, 6mm so they increased my estrogen to 6mg orally in AM and 6mg in PM. In 2 days it jumped to 7.3mm and we transferred 2 but they didn’t stick. My doctor then suggested a hysteroscopy and testing the embryos. We tested and have 3 normal embryos (out of 7). The hysteroscopy was performed on day CD 17 (Jan 24 2023) by my OBGYN here in the US and he removed some adhesions. We tried again recently in March 2023 but my lining only got to 5.6mm after 3 extra days with added estrogen (6mg in AM and 6mg in PM plus I was taking a patch every other day from the beginning) so we had to cancel. Why would my lining get thinner after a hysteroscopy and with added estrogen? My SA doctor thinks I need another hysteroscopy between day 1-10 of my cycle and wants to test for chronic endometritis. My OBGYN here doesn’t think I would benefit from another one. I’m also having issues hearing back from him on whether or not he had tested for chronic endometritis. What would you suggest at this point?


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