Laparoscopic Surgery or IVF?

Iโ€™m 31 with secondary infertility and been trying for 4 years with my husband. Three years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, hashimotos, pcos (before I was diagnosed I did 5 rounds of letrozle, and one IUI) and now endometriosis? All my levels look good right now but still no look getting pregnant. Iโ€™m scheduled to do laparoscopic surgery and wondering if I should do IVF instead. Iโ€™m worried that if I do have endo it will come back and with toxic cells. I just recently watched your videos and it makes so much sense. I know itโ€™s hard to give me and answer without seeing my health record. Iโ€™m wondering what you recommend? Is there another test I could do before doing the surgery? Or just go to IVF?


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