I am doing my first FET prep cycle – I am on oral estrogen (2mg) and estrogen patches (0.1mg/day) I started at 2 patches and 1 pill per day and then gradually bumped up to 3 pills and 3 patches per day. During STIMs, my lining was beautiful and I had no problems with fluid. Now after two weeks at my lining check, my lining was 6.6mm and I had a little less than 2mm of fluid in my lining. My Estrogen level was also 479 (again at two weeks of estrogen prep) I have no tubal factors, or any of the reasons this could happen that I find when I Google why fluid occurs. My doctor said some people’s body just don’t like the estrogen – but I did fine during STIMs and my estrogen level was higher than 2000. Why is this happening and what can be done to correct it? Will injectable estrogen work better for me?


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