Hello, Im 41 . I had to have a myomectomy in 2021 which made me wait 6 months from consult to surgery then 7 months recovery. Long story short Dr did not tell me I had low ovarian reserve till later when I went in for recheck after surgery. I did 2 IUI then went to IVF. I had 3 IVF cycles cancelled one to not having enough antra follicles second cyst. The last time checked if cyst was gone it was so took me off bc and put me Omnitrop when I went in for baseline cyst was back in 1 week and I was ready to ovulate so IVF cancelled again and said i could try another IUI so I did. unsuccessful. I just feel they keep doing the same thing an expecting a different result and nothing. I feel hopeless. I have been going since 2022 June .They do batch cycles I’m always waiting and waiting. I have contacted other facilities but they all are hrs ways from me and still have not gotten anywhere so far. I don’t think I should be put on birth control having low amh but they say it will stop the cyst but it has not. Also I have been doing the proove test and I do ovulate and have low progesterone. This last cycyle I did the complete which should I have low FSH as well. I have another cycle planned for April 7th. Can you advise and speak to the my clinic. If I get advise how can I get them to hear me. Any clinic near me you recommend. I am in Moweaqua il going to clinic in Springfield Il. Dr. Loret De Mola. Egg whispers advises Therilogix Co-q10 but it only has like 100mg so you take 5 a day to get 500mg? I am taking Jarrows formula QH-PQQ absorb (ubiquinol, pyrroloquinoline quinone Disodium from the book starts with an egg. and many other supplements.
Kind regards, Iris


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