infertility questions

Hi Dr. Sher, First off thank you for what you do & all of the valued information you provide people. Good information is hard to find on infertility.
Here is my scenario:
I am currently 39 y/o Female and my husband is 41 y/o. We have been trying to conceive now for about 2 years with no success. My AMH is 3.71, Ultrasound looked good appears I have eggs and good uterus. Tried a HSG but radiologist could not complete it due to me having a retrograded uterus and he was not able to see anything or advance the tube to complete the procedure. I was also in a lot of pain due to poor technique by radiologist. OBGYN says my tubes look open per ultrasound and I am having normal menstrual cycles and I can feel ovulation each month. Also since last fall I was able to get my BMI down from 35 to 30 and working on getting it to 28 which I have another 15lbs to go. I eat healthy, exercise 3 times a week, take ritual prenatal vitamins and pre/probiotics. I do not smoke, drink or do drugs and limit caffeine to about 100- max 200mg a day. My husband had a sperm analysis completed showing low sperm count, low motility and some dysmorphic sperm. He also recently had an ultrasound showing a small hydrocele and some epididymal cyst largest being 5cm. (we are waiting to be seen by urology currently for him). We also put him on a fertility supplement by coast science. He is healthy but still occasionally drinks alcohol. I am also using inito OPK to monitor for my cycles. My cycles are around 28-30 days and last 4 days.

I do not think I can go through another HSG test it took me two weeks to recover from the last one.I had severe pain and cramping. Do you think it is necessary to do another one?
Do you think my AMH level is ok for my age? Is it to high? I worry about ovarian hyper stimulation if going to IVF
Any suggestions with our case or anything we could be trying?
Thank you so much for your time!
God bless,


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