Dear Dr. Sher,
Thank you very much for your prompt response. Maybe I should have told you a bit of my story. I am 37 years old and last year I had 3 abortions (week 7+5, week 5 and week 4). I am not diabetic, my TSH and free T4 are Ok, study of thrombophilia was negative (no mutations on Factor II Prothrombin 20210G>A and factor V Leiden R506), lupic anticoagulant negative, no phospholipid syndrome identified (anticardiolipin antibodies Ok), antithrombin test Ok, AMH 22.6 pmol/L, normal karyotype, uterus morphology is Ok, no microorganisms detected by PCR.
On February I did a first cycle of FIV + genetic testing of the embryo. They recovered 14 oocytes (10 mature), 6 had a normal fecundation by ICSI. The genetic testing revealed 3 euploid embryos and 2 aneuploid (the remaining embryo stopped growth from day 3 to 5). I was transferred a blastocyst 4A quality on day 5. Unfortunately, it did not work. That is why I wanted to do a KIR HLA-C test for me and my husband. The results just arrived (those I sent you in my previous message) but I cannot discern if they explain any possible incompatibility which might be the cause of the 3 abortions and the FIV implantation failure. For the next transfer, which will be in 2 weeks, I am already in treatment with daily aspirin 100mg and subcutaneous Clexane 40mg.
Do you have any recommendation of further tests/treatment?
Thank you very much