Genuine Empty Follicle Syndrome

Hello Dr Sher I have just completed my 2nd ivf which failed due to my 13 follicles in egg collection being empty. The consultant diagnosed me with genuine empty follicle syndrome.

I am 36 years old with a AMH of 15. I had a short protocol this time with ovaleap and fyremadel firstly. All my follicles were roughly between 19-22 mm before egg collection. They triggered me this time with 250 ovitrelle and 1ml of buserelin. I had a reaction to the buserelin as it brought my stomach instantly into a lump. I found it strange how my last scan I literally felt like I was going to pop , however the following morning after I double triggered the night before I woke up to no more pain or uncomfortable bloating. I contacted my nurse and she said it could be due to the follicles being told to stop growing so to speak. But I felt odd how the pain had gone completely.

My previous 1st cycle if ivf was a long protocol. Again they used Ovitrelle 250 and again could only get 1 egg out,the rest where again empty. This one egg resulted in my 21 month old daughter.

They took a blood test after the 1st egg collection and found the trigger shot had absorbed. But not at the normal rate.

This cycle they didn’t take a blood test after and the consultant said that re-triggering after 36 hours would not work. In hindsight I wish I pushed this but due to the shock and groggyness of the drugs. I didn’t push it. Do you think this may have worked?

Do you think I should change the trigger shot or dosage? I don’t have pcos, endo or heavy periods. I have a regular 26-28 cycle. But I only have a 2-3 day cycle now. My husband is 38 and his results have always come back fine.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you,



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