Good afternoon,
I recently heard your interview with Dr. Aimee (the Egg whisperer) about reoccurring implantation failure.
My husband and I are seeing a fertility specialist in the Chicagoland area and we have gone through the gambit of miscarriage from natural cycle at 7.5 weeks (likely genetic issue with the embryo) to me needing Levothyroxene for subclinical hypothyroidism, uterine polyps (post Pfizer covid vaccine) which required surgery, to thin uterine lining, to my husband’s sperm count/motility dropping to near sterile levels (post Pfizer covid vaccine) which took approximately 8 months to recover to excellent condition… but I also have mild eczema/sports-induced asthma/allergies (to cats) that have gotten significantly better as I got older
I’m 36yo, my husband is 38yo. We’re both otherwise healthy and physically fit. AMH is 3.23 and my full blood panel is all in the normal ranges.
We are currently in the TWW post IUI cycle (everything finally met the criteria including an 8mm uterine lining and two 18mm follicles stimulatd with Letrozole) and pending this cycle doesn’t result in a pregnancy I would like to be tested for autoimmune factors like you mentioned.
What types of tests should I request from my doctor and is there a better link to download your book (or purchase it).
Thank you for your time,
Rachel Paxson