
Hi Dr. Sher.

I just got my pgs report from my egg retrieval and I have 5 euploids all top grade. I should be happy especially since I turn 40 soon.

The bad news is that my doctor found a small submucosal fibroid that she was unable to remove through a hysteroscopy as it is less than 50% in the cavity. She hasnโ€™t told me how big it is yet (I saw my chart and I think it may be 2 cms but Iโ€™m not sure and will have to confirm). She said that she we should proceed with a transfer and if it doesnโ€™t implant, then she may consider referring me for a laparoscopic myomecyomy but that it can lead to scar tissue. So now I am freaking out that if I do have to get it removed that my uterus will be damaged since more than 50% of the fibroid is in the muscle of the uterus.

Please advise. What are your thoughts?


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