Fertilizing well, but with really high attrition rates

Age: 39.5
AMH 3.6
FSH 6.1
LH 4.6

I just completed my second fairly disappointing cycle.

I’ve been told my AMH is high for my age, although, I have not been formally diagnosed with PCOS and my RE told me not to be too concerned (but I am). I have regular cycles, I’ve been pregnant twice naturally, I have a normal BMI, no family history w/ infertility, and no ovarian cysts.

**1st cycle:

Syeda (leading up)
Testosterone cream primer
Metformin (for the AMH)
Baby aspirin
Trigger: Novarel

15 retrieved, 11 mature, 9 fertilized, 3 blastocysts, 3 aneuploid
Great quality Blasts (4AA, 4AA, 4BB)

**2nd: cycle (“mini stim”):

Clomid (added)
Testosterone cream primer
Menopur (removed Gonal, increased Menopur)
Omnitrope (increased dosage)
Baby Aspirin
Trigger: Novarel

12 retrieved, 10 mature, 10 fertilized, only 1 blastocyst (currently testing)
One good blast (5AB)

I’m ready and prepared to try again, but I want to go in with as much knowledge as possible and know that I’m doing anything I can do for better results! I am now taking 300mg CoQ10 (bio-active), ALA, a Prenatal with Folate and DHA, Myo-inositol, and an Omega blend. I maintain a fairly healthy/balanced diet although I’m sure I could do more. I’ve also started acupuncture and I ensure to get at least 30-60min of exercise 3x/week. 7-8hrs of sleep.

1. Is it possible to improve these results? Is there anything else I should/could be doing?

2. I received a bioscan from my Chinese Medicine Specialist last week and the results determined I have mitochondrial and metabolic fatigue (Prior to starting CoQ10) – do you think this could have a big impact on the results I’ve been experiencing? The eggs and embryos just do not have the energy or power to divide and thrive?

3. Did I just roll the wrong dice?

**We have a consultation with a new clinic for a second opinion in a few weeks!



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