failed ivf

i’m 40 years old,my AHM is 0.89. i was undergoing an ivf which failed. they got 6 eggs,5 mature,i embryo was slowly groing ending up not sticking after transfering.
later the doctir told me they examined my eggs and came to conclusion that they were post mature.
i was stimmed from the second day of my cycle with gonal-f (225) at mirning,and gonal f (225) and Luveris (225) at evening for 6 days, then gonal f 4450 one shot and luverus 225 at tge 7th day,day 8 triggered ,orgalutran 250 at morning and burselin 1000 and ovidrel 250 at night. next day no med.
day 10 was retrieval
what do you suggest,i found you very informative regarding the best protocol for my cases.

thanks alot


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