Euploid embryo transfer after giving birth

Dear Dr Sher,
I have just given birth to baby son ( September 3d). The pregnancy was miracle due to natural conception in December last year. I delivered naturally (not C-section) at 39 weeks 4 days so at full term.
My question is- I had 11 IVFs prior to this miracle pregnancy. I had one transfer which resulted to miscarriage ( trisomy 15) and since then I have PGT all my embryos. Majority of them came aneuploid (20 embryos- frozen them all) and two are euploid. One was day 6 ,3 AB and have not attached. This was in 2020. I have one euploid embryo left- day 5, 3AB.
I want to have second baby and use this embryo, but to have best possible protocol.
Given the fact that I had miracle pregnancy without any complications and easy natural delivery, please advise how quickly can I have my euploid embryo transfer? My son is almost two month now. What protocol would you suggest?


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