effect trigger on euploidy rate?

Dear dr Sher,

I have a question about the IVF trigger and aneuploidy/euploidy. I’m asking you because I found a lot of profound information about different triggers on your website, thanks for that!!
I’m a woman of 34 years old. My first IVF cycle my doctor saw 18 (all 18-22mm) follicles on the ultrasound, she gave me a decapeptyl 0.2 trigger and retrieved 11 oocytes, 8 were mature and fertilized, 7 blastocysts but just 1 euploid. Unfortunately I don’t know what my LH level was the day after the trigger. But I was wondering, could the high aneuploidy rate be a result of an insufficient trigger?

I just had my second cycle, and they saw 16 follicles (17-23mm) on the ultrasound, but after a dual trigger (decapeptyl 0.2 and ovidrel 250) they retrieved 25. This time 16 were mature, 13 fertilized, 10 blastocysts. This time the trigger seemed to have a completely different effect, but the blastulation rate is about the same. Can I (theoretically) expect a higher euploidy rate this time? I’m so afraid that I will have a low euploidy rate again. Or; could there be something wrong with the embryonic checkpoints? Because we have quite high blastulation rates? I thought maybe our embryo’s don’t stop growing, despite being aneuploid?

thanks in advance!



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