Dear Dr Sher, I have a history of 5 natural pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia, 2 previous csection births. After my last birth via csection, i have had 3 first trimester miscarriages. I’m now undergoing ivf with donor eggs due to age and have had 4 embryos fail to implant. I’m doing medicated cycles and have done the ERA test (result was needed 48 hrs more progesterone). My lining is always around 14mm after estrogen exposure. They don’t test for NKcells in the country I live in, do you think it’s worth me doing intralipid infusions and steroid treatment. I have Von willebrand disease so a blood thinner is probably not a good idea. There is an immediate family history of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma and also thyroid (hyper and hypo thyroid, but my thyroid tests are normal). I have at times had reactions of hive and get hayfever allergy. We are also doing hcg infusion at transfer. Thank you so much for your time Dr Sher