Changes to a 4th cycle

Iโ€™m at a bit of a loss.
Having ICSI for secondary infertility (1st child conceived naturally age 29) and just midway through my 3rd cycle. I have paid up for a 4th cycle already so Iโ€™m keen to get some advice about what to change/ask for at my next appointment.

cycle 1 – used Gonal-F (300), looked like I had a fair few follicles on scans (probably about 10 on the left only, my right ovary has never produced an egg in any ICSI cycle), single trigger shot, disaster at egg collection (even consultant was shocked) as only got 2 eggs and the other follicles were โ€œemptyโ€ which they couldnโ€™t explain. Did a day 3 transfer. BFN. Nothing to freeze.

cycle 2 – used meriofert 300. Lower number of follicles on scan but decided to go for it. Double trigger shot (had read this can help with empty follicle syndrome). 5 eggs collected. Only 3 mature. Did a day 3 transfer. BFN. Then did a FET – BFN.

cycle 3ssue. Please call my assistant, Patti Converse at 702-533-2691 and set up an online consultation with me.

im just so exasperated at this point. The embryologist thinks it s a quantity issue rather than quality as we have made a blast but an increase in the Meriofert has led to a worse outcome. Pergoveris has been mentioned for cycle 4.

my AMH is 5.7pmol and Iโ€™m 34.

cycle 4 realistically has to be our last go and it would be nice to at least start off with a higher egg number.

And just to add-Iโ€™ve been taking coenzyme Q10, probiotics, and this cycle Iโ€™ve started aspirin and clexane as blood tests have shown raised anticardiolipin antibodies which may cause implantation failure.

Thank you for any help.
Iโ€™m unsure whether Gonal F with a double trigger shot would yield better results or Pergoveris or a more โ€œmildโ€ approach.


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