Beta HCG Levels

Hi Doctor.

I did a modified natural FET. Last wednesday, I was 9dp5dt and my hcg was 330. At 11dp5dt it was 890. I was told to come back 3 days later (which was this morning, since my clinic was closed on the weekend for another bloodtest). My hcg came back at 2893 today which is 14dp5dt.

I looked at the beta calculator and since this latest hcg reading was done 3 days after my last reading the doubling percentage was only 117% with a doubling time of 42 hours. I am very concerned because between my first two readings, my doubling rate was 179% at 33 hours. So it seems like things are slowing down. How concerned should I be? I am annoyed that I had to test 72 hours from my last test this time because now I don’t know how to interpret if my results are normal or not.

Also I read online that doubling time does slow down but I thought that was when HCG reached much higher. I’m scared i’m going to miscarry.


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