Autoimmune disorders

Good evening, I have multiple poly glandular autoimmune disorders. Hashimotos, Addison, and fsh receptors are blocked so I never get a period anymore. I had a successful egg retrieval but had to be on high dose prednisone for my body to respond to the meds. I had a failed IVF transfer and got off the prednisone 4 days before transfer. I did the estrogen and progesterone injection and gel and I’m not sure if my estrogen dropped a bit and my lining got thinner when I got off prednisone but the embryo didn’t plant unfortunately. I’m just wondering what’s the next step I should do? Should I stay on prednisone till I’m at least 10 weeks pregnant? I’m 36 years old and already have a 3 year old boy and just got diagnosed with this autoimmune disorders 2 years ago. Anything will be helpful.


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