I just found out my first FET with a PGT-A tested 6AA embryo is ending in a chemical. I’m 35 with 2 known autoimmune issues (vitiligo and Reynaud’s) and a history of RPL (2 miscarriages, at 7 and 8 weeks). All of this is coming a first pregnancy that was unassisted and largely unremarkable (other than a 2nd trimester SCH). I bruise very easily, but my platelets are in the normal range (all other hemogram results are normal too). My husband and I each have normal karyotypes. My AMH is 2.2 and FSH is 6.7.
I have one more embryo frozen, which is also PGT-A tested, and graded 6CC. Before we start that transfer cycle, I have many questions:
My first beta was excellent – 457 at 10dp5dt. But at 14dp5dt it was down to 219. I thought most chemicals had a first beta on the lower end…does my high first beta indicate anything in particular?
I have a slightly elevated TSH (3.4) which hasn’t responded to levothyroxine at all, even after increasing the dosage from 0.25 to 0.5 (I’m taking it an hour before any food/drinks, and I take my prenatal at night to separate the iron and calcium). I’m about to increase to 0.75, but should I be pushing for other testing? Could this be autoimmune related?
I had a fully medicated FET protocol (2 mg estrodiol 2x/day and 1 mL PIO). I only had 110 hours on PIO before the transfer, and am a little worried it wasn’t long enough. My cycle is normally on the long side (31-36 days, ovulating CD20-26 and a ~10 day luteal phase). Should I push for more time on PIO? Or for any other protocol changes? Unfortunately my insurance doesn’t cover mock transfers, so I’m hesitant to do an ERA if I can avoid it.
I’m highly suspicious that I have some immune issue playing a factor here, given the vitiligo and Reynaud’s. My lupus anticoagulant screen came in at 39, which I understand is technically negative but one higher would be positive. Does this elevated but negative result indicate anything? Other possibly relevant test results that came back in the normal range are: DRVVT Screen (36), cardiolipin IGG (<9), cardiolipin IGM (<9), beta-2-glycoprotein 1 IGG (<2.0), beta-2-glycoprotein 1 IGM (3.0), beta-2-glycoprotein 1 IGA (<2.0).
I’m hoping to push for a “kitchen sink” approach next time. Literally any and all interventions that *might* help and won’t hurt, I’d like to do. What would this include? Antibiotics? Antihistamines? Baby aspirin?
My doctor said PGT-A is only a 50,000 foot view, and even if we know it has the right number of chromosomes there could still be genetic issues going on. She thinks that’s the most likely explanation, but that feels like a convenient place to place the blame. I know PGT-A embryos only have a 60% chance of success, but I was sure the odds were in my favor given my LC and the high first beta. What else could be going on?
Does this formation raise any other red flags for you? Anything else I should be asking about or pushing for?
Thank you so much for your help!!