3D SIS & hysteroscopy

Hi Dr Sher,

I’ve had one natural pregnancy which ended at 19 weeks. I had a D&C for this. Since then I’ve had two 3D saline sonograms, both of which have shown a completely normal uterine cavity.

Since my D&C, I’ve had two failed embyro transfers with Day 6 good quality euploid embryos (though one of these embryos was twice biopsied and thawed), the first resulted in a chemical pregnancy age 35 and the second didn’t implant age 36.

I’m wondering whether I should also have a hysteroscopy to completely rule out any potential scarring caused by my D&C which may be causing our embryos to not implant.

Is a 3D saline sonogram as reliable at detecting uterine abnormalities as a hysteroscopy?




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